System: Holmes Description: An expert-system shell coded in Python Author: Mark Lutz DESCRIPTION: ------------ A Python-coded expert system shell, submitted as an example of the power of the Python language as a general systems development language. A number of smaller examples (including an enhanced shell) are also included (in the 'others' directory). PURPOSE: -------- This system does not demonstrate all of Python's qualities (embedding, etc.), but should serve as proof of the utility of the language in sophisticated applications. There are certainly better examples of Python's power (for example, browse the library code), but expert systems employ particularly interesting algorithms. FUNCTIONALITY: -------------- The shell supports both forward and backward chaining inference over a set of logical implication rules. The backward chainer is roughly similar to the Prolog language, and rule selection uses general (but constrained) unification. Rules may contain logical (quantified) variables, and conjunctions of goals, and are entered in a text file, or interactively. Backward and forward chaining queries are entered interactively in the shell; facilities for reading queries from files also exist. Log files in the /examples directory demonstrate the sort of bahaviour and interaction implemented in holmes. LIMITATIONS: ------------ The rule matcher does not allow nested terms, and there are no extra-logical predicates. Therefore, Holmes is not really suitable for general logic programming, and is more of a tool for exploring symbolic knowledge bases. Holmes also handles only certain information (there are no certainty factors (yet)). DISCLAIMER. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *THIS IS NOT PROFESSIONAL-QUALITY SOFTWARE* Holmes was developed as part of a language evaluation process conducted at XVT Software, under the guise of an R&D project myself and Amrit Prem were involved in. It was meant as benchmark, and was never intended to be used or seen externally. Consequently, I make no claims about the quality of the code or the documentation; it's research software. I cut corners to save time in alot of places; the parser, for example, uses simple field scanning, and does not detect syntax errors (if you're lucky, it will abort on an error). You are free to use, distribute, or modify the source code in any way you see fit. But I assume no responsibility for its quality. If you do want to use this system in a real application (I wouldn't recommend it), you should expect to have to modify it substantially, to make it more robust. As is, it's not much more than a tool for experimenting with expert systems concepts. IMPLEMENTATION NOTES. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Having said all that, I do think this is a good example of the type of thing Python excels at. This system contains 2 versions of the shell, each of which is a multi-file system, with multiple forward- and backward-chaining inference engines, a pattern matcher (simplified unification), a rule file parser, an interactive shell, explanation facilities, index trees, etc. Each of the versions contains roughly 2000 lines of text. Despite this complexity, I was able to develop this system in roughly 1 month. Perhaps more importantly, I was able to develop the system incrementally (witness the multiple backward chainers), and rapidly modify the code over and over. In effect, the entire development process was an exercise in rapid prototyping. Python lends itself to this form of experimental, interactive program development. The end result was a readable, usable, and maintainable system. My experiences demonstrated, in my opinion, that Python is ideal for rapid development. It's orders of magnitude faster to use than C or C++: * The lack of compile/link time provides immediate feedback for program changes. * The simpler syntax makes for less to write and read, fewer syntax errors to correct, easier program modifications, etc. * The inherent semantic power of the language makes most tasks simpler, leads to fewer runtime errors, etc. Python provides very fast turnaround, even for major program changes. Further, the run-time performance of the system, once coded, was very acceptable for such a computationally-intensive task. Recoding in C would not gain enough performance to justify such a tedious task. Of equal significance, Python proved far superior to other popular dynamic scripting language (Perl, TCL, etc.): * I was able to learn the language, and use its syntax almost immediately * I was actually able to read and re-use the code I had written, long after I had written it. This simplicity and readability of Python are, in my opinion, the most important advantages it has over these other tools. Python, being more like a traditional programming language, is a better choice for writing large, complex software systems fast, whose code must be re-used, maintained by others, etc. To be blunt, I would never have attempted a system of this level of complexity in a Perl, or TCL. To summarize, Python combines the best features of: Scripting languages (TCL, Perl): - embedability - access to system resources and external API's Dynamic languages (Lisp, Smalltalk, Prolog): - interactive - dynamic typing - very-high-level objects - no compile, link steps - incremental development/testing Traditional languages (C, C++, Modula, Pascal): - procedural syntax - modules, classes, exceptions - straightforward semantics Of course, Python is not a panacea for all the ills of the software industry. For instance, its speed makes it weak as a number-cruncher. But it's an ideal rapid development/prototyping language, and does well as a scripting/integration language. Both of these tasks usually have modest performance constraints, as do many application areas (GUI design, and database programming, for example). Python's performance is more than adequate for these cases. More importantly, speed-of-development often outweighs speed-of-code in these (and many other) areas; Python wins this test easily. Although Python is well-suited for self-contained rapid development (as in Holmes), I suspect that Python's real contribution will be in the area of mixed-language applications. Guido has called this a 'hybrid' approach: using Python for modules where performance isn't critical (user-interface, etc.), and C or C++ for modules where it is. Alternatively, one may initially develop all modules in Python for speed-of-development, and later move selected time-critical modules to C as needed. By now, we should have learned that no language can simultaneously satisfy all development goals. But a mixed approach leverages the best of all available tools. Here again, Python excels: it's clean call-in and call-out intefaces to C make it ideal as an embedded dynamic language, in large applications. Python's can also function as the 'glue' for external API's (data-bases, GUI's, etc.), providing a programmatic interface. Further, it's clear syntax and semantics put it far ahead other languages with similar goals, such as TCL (which are usually just extended 'shell' languages). These are all very subjective comments. I'd encourage you to browse the source code, experiment with the system, and draw your own conclusions. You may very well become as evangelical about Python as I did :-). WHERE TO GO FROM HERE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Read the 'README.2ND' file for information on package contents, loading and running. Also see the 'holmes.doc' files in both versions (holmes and holmes2) for implementation details. Draw your own conclusions. Have fun. Feel free to email me with questions or comments. If you are interested in more information about expert systems, you might try consulting a good AI text book. Books on Lisp and Prolog also cover these sorts of things. My favorites are: -- The Art of Prolog, by Sterling and Shapiro -- Lisp, by Winston and Horn -- The Elements of Artificial Intelligence, by Tanimoto I hope to develop a tool for automating Python/C integration in the near future. Details will be posted as they emerge. Mark Lutz Boulder, Colorado Feb. 1994