rule 0 if fixit unit ?problem ?solution then go ?problem ?solution. rule 1 if fixit ?name ?problem ?solution then go ?name ?problem ?solution. rule t1 if klutzy user ?name ?prob ?soln then fixit ?name ?prob ?soln. rule t2 if appliance abuse ?name ?prob ?soln then fixit ?name ?prob ?soln. rule t3 if power problem ?name ?prob ?soln then fixit ?name ?prob ?soln. rule t4 if repairable ?name ?prob ?soln then fixit ?name ?prob ?soln. rule t5 if hopeless case ?name ?prob ?soln then fixit ?name ?prob ?soln. rule k1 if not ?name works, not switch turned on then klutzy user ?name not-turned-on press-the-power-switch. rule k2 if not ?name works, ?name runs on batteries, not batteries loaded then klutzy user ?name no-batteries-in-unit put-batteries-in. rule k3 if not ?name works, not ?name runs on batteries, not ?name firmly plugged in then klutzy user ?name not-plugged-in plug-it-in-to-outlet. rule k4 if not used ?name before, not read user manual then klutzy user ?name not-setup-right read-users-manual. rule a1 if ?name makes sizzle sound then appliance abuse ?name unit-is-wet dry-it-out. rule a2 if not ?name works, ?name was emersed then appliance abuse ?name unit-is-wet dry-it-out. rule a3 if ?name is very dirty then appliance abuse ?name unit-is-dirty clean-it. rule p1 if ?name runs on batteries, dc power problem ?name ?prob ?soln then power problem ?name ?prob ?soln. rule p2 if not ?name runs on batteries, ac power problem ?name ?prob ?soln then power problem ?name ?prob ?soln. rule d1 if ?name works, batteries loaded, ?name runs slowly then dc power problem ?name batteries-run-down replace-batteries. rule d2 if not ?name works, batteries loaded, batteries backwards then dc power problem ?name batteries-backwards switch-batteries-around. rule d3 if batteries loaded, batteries corroded then dc power problem ?name batteries-corroded clean-and-replace-batteries. rule a1 if not ?name works, lights went out then ac power problem ?name fuse-is-blown replace-fuse. rule a2 if not ?name works, not others work in same outlet then ac power problem ?name outlet-not-working plug-in-different-outlet. rule a3 if jiggling ?name cord has any effect, repair ?name ?plan then ac power problem ?name cord-is-frayed ?plan. rule r1 if electric ?name ?cause, repair ?name ?plan then repairable ?name ?cause ?plan. rule r2 if mechanical ?name ?cause, repair ?name ?plan then repairable ?name ?cause ?plan. rule e1 if smell smoke from ?name then electric ?name circuit-shorting-out. rule e2 if see sparks in ?name then electric ?name circuit-is-arcing. rule e3 if felt shock from ?name then electric ?name circuit-shorting-out. rule e4 if ?name started a fire then electric ?name major-electric-damage. rule m1 if hear grinding sound from ?name then mechanical ?name parts-grinding. rule m2 if not ?name controls have any effect then mechanical ?name controls-malfunction. rule h1 if not ?name works, repair ?name ?plan then hopeless case ?name unknown ?plan. rule h2 if ?name works, ?name works usually then hopeless case ?name unknown use-it-till-it-breaks. rule h3 if ?name works, ?name works rarely, repair ?name ?plan then hopeless case ?name unknown ?plan. rule h4 if true then hopeless case ?name I-give-up consult-a-human-expert. rule f1 if experienced with ?name repairs then repair ?name try-to-fix-it-yourself. rule f2 if not experienced with ?name repairs, have spare money, can afford to replace the ?name then repair ?name buy-a-new-one. rule f3 if not experienced with ?name repairs, have spare money, can afford to repair the ?name, can get to repair shop then repair ?name take-it-to-repair-shop. rule f4 if not experienced with ?name repairs, have spare money, can afford to repair the ?name, not can get to repair shop then repair ?name call-a-repair-man. rule f5 if have a rich relative then repair ?name ask-for-one-for-christmas. rule f6 if not experienced with ?name repairs, not have spare money, not have a rich relative, ?name works, not dangerous to use ?name then repair ?name continue-using-it-for-now. rule f7 if not experienced with ?name repairs, not have spare money, not have a rich relative, not ?name works then repair ?name do-without-it-for-now.