rule a if lives in shell, has pinchers then class crustacean. rule b if has gills, scaly skin then class fish. rule c if has feathers, able to fly then class bird. rule d if live births then class mammal. rule e if lays eggs then class reptile rule 1 if lives in saltwater, has orange color, cling to rocks then it is a starfish. rule 2 if lives in saltwater, has tentacles, poisonous bite, transparent color then it is a jellyfish. rule 3 if lives in freshwater, class crustacean, has brown color, has many legs then it is a creyfish. rule 4 if lives in saltwater, class crustacean, long tail, has many legs, has orange color then it is a lobster. rule 5 if lives in saltwater, lives in freshwater, class crustacean, has many legs then it is a crab. rule 6 if lives in saltwater, has many legs, class crustacean, very small body, has orange color then it is a shrimp. rule 7 if lives in saltwater, hides in rocks, has tentacles then it is a octopus. rule 8 if lives in saltwater, has tentacles, not hides in rocks then it is a squid. rule 9 if lives in saltwater, lives in shell then it is a scallop. rule 10 if lives in saltwater, lives in shell, cannot move by self then it is an oyster. rule 11 if lives in saltwater, lives in freshwater, lives in shell, cannot move by self then it is a clam. rule 12 if lives in freshwater, class fish, has speckled body then it is a trout. rule 13 if lives in freshwater, class fish, narrow body then it is a pike. rule 14 if lives in freshwater, class fish, eats meat, travels in groups then it is a pirhanna. rule 15 if lives in saltwater, class fish, eats meat then it is a shark. rule 16 if lives in freshwater, class bird then it is a duck. rule 17 if has feathers, not able to fly, black color then it is a penguin. rule 18 if class bird, eats meat then it is a eagle. rule 19 if class mammal, is omnivorous, is intelligent then subclass primate. rule 20 if subclass primate, not technologically advanced then it is a monkey. rule 21 if subclass primate, technologically advanced then it is a human. rule 13 if class mammal, is omnivorous, not is intelligent then it is a texan.