import random, sys from Tkinter import * from tkMessageBox import showinfo, askyesno from PP2E.Gui.Tools.guimaker import GuiMakerWindowMenu User, Machine = 1, 2 # players X, O, Empty = 'X', 'O', ' ' # board cell states Dumb, Smart = 1, 2 # random or heuristic machine play Degree = 3 # default=3 rows/cols=tic-tac-toe Mode = Smart # how the machine makes moves Debug=1 def trace(*args): if Debug: for arg in args: print arg, print class State: def __init__(self, widget, mark): self.widget = widget self.mark = mark class TicTacToe(GuiMakerWindowMenu): # a kind of Frame def __init__(self, parent=None, # with a menu bar fg='black', bg='white', goesFirst=User, userIsX=1, mode=Mode, degree=Degree): self.nextMove = goesFirst self.userMark = [O, X][userIsX] self.machineMark = (userIsX and O) or X self.machineMode = mode = degree self.makeWidgets = lambda s=self, f=fg, b=bg: s.drawBoard(f, b) GuiMakerWindowMenu.__init__(self, parent, grid=1) self.master.title('PyToe 1.0') def start(self): self.helpButton = None self.toolBar = None self.menuBar = [ ('File', 0, [('Stats', 0, self.onStats), ('Quit', 0, self.quit)]), ('Help', 0, [('About', 0, self.onAbout)]) ] def drawBoard(self, fg, bg): self.cells = {} self.board = {} for i in range( for j in range( widget = Label(self, fg=fg, bg=bg, text=' ', font=('courier', 50, 'bold'), relief=SUNKEN, bd=4, padx=20, pady=20) widget.grid(row=i, column=j, sticky=NSEW) widget.bind('', self.onLeftClick) state = State(widget, Empty) self.cells[widget] = state self.board[(i, j)] = state for i in range( self.rowconfigure(i, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(i, weight=1) # resizable def play(self): self.record = {'w':0, 'l':0, 'd':0} self.userPick = IntVar() while 1: if self.nextMove == Machine: self.machineMove() self.nextMove = User else: self.wait_variable(self.userPick) self.nextMove = Machine outcome = self.checkFinish() if outcome: result = 'Game Over: ' + outcome if askyesno('PyToe', result + '\n\nPlay Again?'): self.clearBoard() else: break self.onStats() def onLeftClick(self, event): cell = event.widget if self.nextMove == User and self.cells[cell].mark == Empty: self.cells[cell].widget.config(text=self.userMark) self.cells[cell].mark = self.userMark self.update() self.userPick.set(self.userPick.get() + 1) def machineMove(self): pick = self.pickMove() self.board[pick].mark = self.machineMark self.board[pick].widget.config(text=self.machineMark) def clearBoard(self): for cell in self.board.keys(): self.board[cell].mark = Empty self.board[cell].widget.config(text=' ') # # end test # def checkDraw(self): for coord in self.board.keys(): if self.board[coord].mark == Empty: return 0 return 1 # none empty = draw or win def checkWin(self, mark): for row in range( for col in range( if self.board[(row, col)].mark != mark: break # check across else: # row=all mark? return 1 for col in range( for row in range( # check down if self.board[(row, col)].mark != mark: # break to next col break else: return 1 for row in range( # check diag1 if self.board[(row, row)].mark != mark: break # row == col else: return 1 for row in range( # check diag2 col = ( - row # col = degree-row-1 if self.board[(row, col)].mark != mark: break else: return 1 def checkFinish(self): outcome = None if self.checkWin(self.userMark): outcome = "You've won!" self.record['w'] = self.record['w'] + 1 elif self.checkWin(self.machineMark): outcome = 'I win again :-)' self.record['l'] = self.record['l'] + 1 elif self.checkDraw(): outcome = 'Looks like a draw' self.record['d'] = self.record['d'] + 1 return outcome # # move selection # def countAcrossDown(self): countRows = {} for row in range( for col in range( mark = self.board[(row, col)].mark try: countRows[(row, mark)] = countRows[(row, mark)] + 1 except KeyError: countRows[(row, mark)] = 1 countCols = {} for col in range( for row in range( mark = self.board[(row, col)].mark try: countCols[(col, mark)] = countCols[(col, mark)] + 1 except KeyError: countCols[(col, mark)] = 1 return countRows, countCols def countDiagonal(self): tally = {'X':0, 'O':0, ' ':0} countDiag1 = tally.copy() for row in range( for col in range( if row == col: mark = self.board[(row, col)].mark countDiag1[mark] = countDiag1[mark] + 1 countDiag2 = tally.copy() for row in range( for col in range( if row+col == mark = self.board[(row, col)].mark countDiag2[mark] = countDiag2[mark] + 1 return countDiag1, countDiag2 def isWinFor(self, playerMark, (row, col), ((countRows, countCols), (countDiag1, countDiag2)) ): return ( (countCols[col, self.machineMark] == or (countRows[row, self.machineMark] == or (row == col and countDiag1[self.machineMark] == or (row + col == and countDiag2[self.machineMark] == ) def isWin(self, move, countMarks): return self.isWinFor(self.machineMark, move, countMarks) def isBlock(self, move, countMarks): return self.isWinFor(self.userMark, move, countMarks) def scoreMove(self, (row, col), ((countRows, countCols), (countDiag1, countDiag2)) ): score = 0 if (countCols[col, self.machineMark] >= 1 and countCols[col][Empty] >= 1): score = score + 10 if (countRows[row, self.machineMark] >= 1 and countRows[row][Empty] >= 1): score = score + 10 # ??? +diags #??? or: number X's in col * 25, number O's * 10,... #??? diags: could just add non-diag cells with 0 values return score def pickMove(self): if self.machineMode == Dumb: empties = [] for coord in self.board.keys(): if self.board[coord].mark == Empty: empties.append(coord) return random.choice(empties) else: self.config(cursor='watch') best = 0 countMarks = self.countAcrossDown(), self.countDiagonal() for row in range( for col in range( move = (row, col) if self.board[move].mark == Empty: if self.isWin(move, countMarks): return move elif self.isBlock(move, countmarks): return move else: score = self.scoreMove(move, countMarks) if score >= best: pick = move best = score trace('Score', move, score) trace('Picked', pick, 'score', best) self.config(cursor='arrow') return pick def onAbout(self): showinfo('PyToe 1.0', 'PyToe 1.0\n' 'July, 1999\n' 'A Tic-tac-toe Board Game\n' 'Degree controls board size\n' 'Programming Python 2E') def onStats(self): showinfo('Your results:\n' 'wins: %(w)d, losses: %(l)d, draws: %(d)d' % self.record) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 1: TicTacToe().mainloop() else: bg, fg, goesFirst, degree = sys.argv[2:] TicTacToe(bg=bg, fg=fg, goesFirst=goesFirst, degree=degree).mainloop()