[for degree=3, tic-tac-toe] [before recoding to only check last mover's win] [on AC power, 300mhz machine] [copy.deepcopy() and State objects] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part1\Preview\GUI>python tictactoe_sl ow.py -mode minimax {'mode': 'minimax'} Time to move: 35.658978528 Time to move: 3.90052213413 Time to move: 0.132097420339 [dict board, with board.copy(), no State] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part1\Preview\GUI>python tictactoe.py -mode minimax {'mode': 'minimax'} Time to move: 1.09293903686 Time to move: 0.299894399839 Time to move: 0.00914614727032 [dict board, with set mark, recur, set Empty (not .copy())] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part1\Preview\GUI>python tictactoe.py -mode minimax {'mode': 'minimax'} Time to move: 0.974920799879 Time to move: 0.287641428787 Time to move: 0.00874721332909 [lists board, faster checkwin, checking both players and all slots in checkwin] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part1\Preview\GUI>python tictactoe_li sts.py -mode minimax {'mode': 'minimax'} Time to move: 0.717418997972 Time to move: 0.284553043128 Time to move: 0.0106061113998 [on DC power --> CPU runs 4 times slower (better timing info, bigger diffs)] [occasionally almost as fast as AC on DC, but depends on whther CPU scaled back or not--must powerup each time] [lists board, faster checkwin, check both players in checkwin] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part1\Preview\GUI>python tictactoe_li sts.py -mode minimax {'mode': 'minimax'} Time to move: 2.95783033574 Time to move: 0.804305301799 Time to move: 0.0099943009437 [dict board, mark, recur, empty] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part1\Preview\GUI>python tictactoe.py -mode minimax {'mode': 'minimax'} Time to move: 3.98663152249 Time to move: 1.24256105533 Time to move: 0.0272398129369 [dict board, board.copy(), not State obj] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part1\Preview\GUI>python tictactoe.py -mode minimax {'mode': 'minimax'} Time to move: 4.47969627382 Time to move: 1.28549422552 Time to move: 0.0504056387134 [copy.deepcopy()] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part1\Preview\GUI>python tictactoe_sl ow.py -mode minimax {'mode': 'minimax'} Time to move: 124.417967113 Time to move: 16.102509261 Time to move: 0.51567575722