echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM adds Python interpreter directory to system search path (PATH) REM adds book examples package root to Python search path (PYTHONPATH) REM change PATH to dos path of your python install directory if needed REM change PP2EHOME to the directory containing the PP2E examples dir REM for DOS, add path to this file in c:\autoexec.bat to set globally REM for NT, you can set these shell vars in the system settings dialog REM see autoexec.bat file in this directory for a startup file example REM see also: PP2E/Launch_*.py scripts, which auto configure paths REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM --add Python exe dir: 2.0 or 1.5.2 REM PATH %PATH%;c:\Python20 PATH %PATH%;c:\"program files"\python REM --add book module package dir set PP2EHOME=C:\PP2ndEd\examples set PYTHONPATH=%PP2EHOME%;%PYTHONPATH% echo %PATH% echo %PYTHONPATH% set X=%PP2EHOME%\PP2E REM -------------------------------------------------------------------- REM each PP2E dir is a module package, with nested subpackages REM the current directory and standard lib dirs are searched auto REM the first setting below makes PP2E visible: import REM the second makes all dirs within PP2E visible: import REM -------------------------------------------------------------------- REM change: all cross-dir imports in the book's tree are now relative REM to PP2E root, to avoid name clashes in both my imports and yours; REM else "import" anywhere depends on order in the search path! REM you only need to add the one dir containing dir PP2E to PYTHONPATH REM removed: set PYTHONPATH=%PP2EHOME%\PP2E;%PYTHONPATH% REM -------------------------------------------------------------------- REM change: Python 2.0 now installs itself and all Tkinter support REM files in C:\Python20 by default, so you should pick either 1.5.2 REM and 2.0 install directories to add to your PATH setting above; REM --------------------------------------------------------------------