DEFUNCT -- big-gui wihout guimaker... #!/usr/local/bin/python from Tkinter import * # widget classes from PP2E.Gui.Tools.guimixin import GuiMixin # mix-in methods class Hello(GuiMixin, Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) Pack.config(self) self.createWidgets() self.hellos = 1 self.master.title("Buttons, Menus, and More") self.master.iconname("tkpython") def createWidgets(self): self.makeMenuBar() Label(self, {'text': 'Hello GUI world!', 'cursor': 'pencil', Pack: {'padx': 50, 'pady':50} }) self.makeToolBar() def makeMenuBar(self): self.menubar = Frame(self, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 2, Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'x'}}) pulldowns = self.fileMenu(), self.editMenu(), self.playMenu() apply(self.menubar.tk_menuBar, pulldowns) Button(self.menubar, {'text': 'Help', 'cursor': 'gumby', 'relief': 'flat', 'command':, Pack: {'side': 'right', 'padx': '1m'}}) def makeToolBar(self): self.toolbar = Frame(self, {'cursor': 'hand2', 'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 2, Pack: {'side': 'bottom', 'fill': 'x'} }) Button(self.toolbar, {'text': 'Quit', 'command': self.quit, Pack:{'side': 'right'} }) Button(self.toolbar, {'text': 'Hello', 'command': self.greeting, Pack:{'side': 'left'} }) Button(self.toolbar, {'text': 'Popup', 'command': self.dialog, Pack:{'side': 'left', 'expand':1 } }) def fileMenu(self): mbutton = Menubutton(self.menubar, {'text': 'File', 'underline': 0, Pack: {'side': 'left', 'padx': '1m'}}) menu = Menu(mbutton) menu.add('command', {'label': 'New...', 'underline': 0, 'command': self.notdone}) menu.add('command', {'label': 'Open...', 'underline': 0, 'command': self.fileOpen}) menu.add('command', {'label': 'Quit', 'underline': 0, 'command': self.quit}) mbutton['menu'] = menu return mbutton def editMenu(self): mbutton = Menubutton(self.menubar, {'text': 'Edit', 'underline': 0, Pack: {'side': 'left', 'padx': '1m'}}) menu = Menu(mbutton) menu.add_command({'label': 'Cut'}) menu.add_command({'label': 'Paste'}) menu.add_separator({}) submenu = Menu(mbutton) submenu.add_command({'label': 'Clone', 'command': self.clone}) submenu.add_command({'label': 'More', 'command': self.more}) menu.add_cascade({'label': 'Stuff', 'menu': submenu}) menu.add_command({'label': 'Delete'}) menu.entryconfig(5, {"state" : "disabled"}) mbutton['menu'] = menu return mbutton def playMenu(self): mbutton = Menubutton(self.menubar, {'text': 'Play', 'underline': 0, Pack: {'side': 'left', 'padx': '1m'}}) menu = Menu(mbutton) menu.add_command({'label': 'Hello', 'underline': 0, 'command': self.greeting}) menu.add_command({'label': 'Popup...', 'underline': 0, 'command': self.dialog}) submenu = Menu(mbutton) submenu.add_command({'label': 'Hanoi', 'command': lambda x=self: x.spawn('guido/', 1) }) submenu.add_command({'label': 'Pong', 'command': lambda x=self: x.spawn('matt/') }) menu.add_cascade({'label': 'Demos', 'menu': submenu, 'underline': 0}) mbutton['menu'] = menu return mbutton def greeting(self): self.hellos = self.hellos + 1 if self.hellos % 3: print "hi" else: self.infobox("Gotcha'", 'HELLO!') def dialog(self): button = self.question('OOPS!', 'You typed "rm*" ... continue?', 'questhead', ('yes', 'no', 'help')) [lambda:0, self.quit,][button]() def fileOpen(self): self.browser('') # browse self; hmm... def more(self): new = Toplevel() new.label = Label(new, {'text': 'A new non-modal window'}) new.label.pack() Button(new, {'text':'Quit', 'command':self.quit, Pack:{'side':'left'}}) Button(new, {'text':'More', 'command':self.more, Pack:{'side':'right'}}) if __name__ == '__main__': Hello().mainloop() # use: '', 'python' # demo's, menus, buttons, dialogs, text, forks,.. # note: lambda: self=x... # note [...][button]() # note: multi-inher-- GuiMixin before Frame in class header! # note: not expandable: inherited from GuiMaker in big_gui2 # else self.quit from Frame and exits silently...