#################################################### # 4 demo classes in independent top-level windows; # not processes: when one is quit all others go away # because all windows run in the same process here #################################################### from Tkinter import * demoModules = ['demoDlg', 'demoRadio', 'demoCheck', 'demoScale'] demoObjects = [] for demo in demoModules: module = __import__(demo) # import by name string window = Toplevel() # make a new window demo = module.Demo(window) # parent is the new window demoObjects.append(demo) def allstates(): for obj in demoObjects: if hasattr(obj, 'report'): print obj.__module__, obj.report() Label(text='Multiple Toplevel window demo', bg='white').pack() Button(text='States', command=allstates).pack(fill=X) mainloop()