/**************************************************** * stacktyp.c: a character-string stack data-type; * a C extension type, for use in Python programs; * stacktype module clients can make multiple stacks; * similar to stackmod, but 'self' is the instance, * and we can overload sequence operators here; ****************************************************/ #include "Python.h" static PyObject *ErrorObject; /* local exception */ #define onError(message) \ { PyErr_SetString(ErrorObject, message); return NULL; } /***************************************************************************** * STACK-TYPE INFORMATION *****************************************************************************/ #define MAXCHARS 2048 #define MAXSTACK MAXCHARS typedef struct { /* stack instance object */ PyObject_HEAD /* python header: ref-count + &typeobject */ int top, len; char *stack[MAXSTACK]; /* per-instance state info */ char strings[MAXCHARS]; /* same as stackmod, but multiple copies */ } stackobject; staticforward PyTypeObject Stacktype; /* shared type-descriptor */ #define is_stackobject(v) ((v)->ob_type == &Stacktype) /***************************************************************************** * INSTANCE METHODS *****************************************************************************/ static PyObject * /* on "instance.push(arg)" */ stack_push(self, args) /* 'self' is the stack instance object */ stackobject *self; /* 'args' are args passed to self.push method */ PyObject *args; { char *pstr; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &pstr)) /* convert args: Python->C */ return NULL; /* NULL raises exception, */ if (self->top == MAXSTACK) /* with arg-error message */ onError("stack overflow") if (self->len + strlen(pstr) + 1 >= MAXCHARS) onError("string-space overflow") else { strcpy(self->strings + self->len, pstr); self->stack[self->top++] = &(self->strings[self->len]); self->len += (strlen(pstr) + 1); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; /* return None: no errors */ } } static PyObject * stack_pop(self, args) stackobject *self; PyObject *args; /* on "instance.pop()" */ { PyObject *pstr; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "")) /* verify no args passed */ return NULL; if (self->top == 0) onError("stack underflow") /* return NULL = raise */ else { pstr = Py_BuildValue("s", self->stack[--self->top]); self->len -= (strlen(self->stack[self->top]) + 1); return pstr; } } static PyObject * stack_top(self, args) stackobject *self; PyObject *args; { PyObject *result = stack_pop(self, args); /* pop and undo */ if (result != NULL) self->len += (strlen(self->stack[self->top++]) + 1); return result; } static PyObject * stack_empty(self, args) stackobject *self; PyObject *args; { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "")) return NULL; return Py_BuildValue("i", self->top == 0); /* boolean: a python int */ } static struct PyMethodDef stack_methods[] = { /* instance methods */ {"push", stack_push, 1}, /* name/address table */ {"pop", stack_pop, 1}, /* like list append, sort */ {"top", stack_top, 1}, {"empty", stack_empty, 1}, /* extra ops besides optrs */ {NULL, NULL} /* end, for getattr here */ }; /***************************************************************************** * BASIC TYPE-OPERATIONS *****************************************************************************/ static stackobject * /* on "x = stacktype.Stack()" */ newstackobject() /* instance constructor function */ { /* these don't get an 'args' input */ stackobject *self; self = PyObject_NEW(stackobject, &Stacktype); /* malloc, init, incref */ if (self == NULL) return NULL; /* raise exception */ self->top = 0; /* extra constructor logic here */ self->len = 0; return self; /* a new type-instance object */ } static void /* instance destructor function */ stack_dealloc(self) /* when reference-count reaches zero */ stackobject *self; { /* do cleanup activity */ PyMem_DEL(self); /* same as 'free(self)' */ } static int stack_print(self, fp, flags) stackobject *self; FILE *fp; int flags; /* print self to file */ { /* or repr or str */ int i; fprintf(fp, "[Stack:\n"); for (i=self->top - 1; i >= 0; i--) fprintf(fp, "%d: '%s'\n", i, self->stack[i]); fprintf(fp, "]\n"); return 0; /* return status, not object */ } static PyObject * stack_getattr(self, name) /* on "instance.attr" reference */ stackobject *self; /* make a bound-method or member */ char *name; { /* exposed data-members */ if (strcmp(name, "len") == 0) /* really C struct fields */ return Py_BuildValue("i", self->len); if (strcmp(name, "__members__") == 0) /* __methods__ is free */ return Py_BuildValue("[s]", "len"); /* make a list of 1 string */ else return Py_FindMethod(stack_methods, (PyObject *)self, name); } static int stack_compare(v, w) stackobject *v, *w; { int i, test; /* compare objects and return -1, 0 or 1 */ if (v->top < w->top) /* check stack-size, then stacked strings */ return -1; if (v->top > w->top) return 1; else for (i=0; i < v->top; i++) if ((test = strcmp(v->stack[i], w->stack[i])) != 0) return test; return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * SEQUENCE TYPE-OPERATIONS *****************************************************************************/ static int stack_length(self) stackobject *self; /* called on "len(instance)" */ { return self->top; /* don't wrap in a python object */ } static PyObject * stack_concat(self, other) stackobject *self; /* on "instance + other" */ PyObject *other; /* 'self' is the instance */ { int i, len, top; stackobject *new, *right; if (! is_stackobject(other)) onError("'+' requires two stacks") /* no mixed types */ right = (stackobject *)other; if (self->top + right->top > MAXSTACK) onError("stack overflow") /* will the sum fit? */ if (self->len + right->len > MAXCHARS) onError("string-space overflow") else { /* '+' makes new stack object */ new = newstackobject(); /* instead of in-place change */ len = top = 0; for (i=0; i < self->top; i++) { new->stack[top++] = &(new->strings[len]); strcpy(new->strings + len, self->stack[i]); /* copy self */ len += (strlen(self->stack[i]) + 1); } for (i=0; i < right->top; i++) { new->stack[top++] = &(new->strings[len]); strcpy(new->strings + len, right->stack[i]); /* copy right */ len += (strlen(right->stack[i]) + 1); } new->top = top; new->len = len; return (PyObject *)new; } } static PyObject * stack_repeat(self, n) /* on "instance * N" */ stackobject *self; /* new stack = repeat self n times */ int n; /* XXXX very inefficient! improve me */ { int i; stackobject *next, *temp; /* copy self N times */ temp = newstackobject(); /* start with new, empty stack */ for (i=0; i < n; i++) { next = (stackobject *)stack_concat(temp, self); if (next == NULL) { Py_XDECREF(temp); /* delete result so-far */ return NULL; /* propogate exception */ } else { Py_XDECREF(temp); /* delete result-so-far */ temp = next; /* set new result */ } } return (PyObject *)temp; } static PyObject * stack_item(self, index) /* on "instance[offset]", "in/for" */ stackobject *self; /* return the i-th item of self */ int index; /* negative index pre-adjusted */ { if (index < 0 || index >= self->top) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "index out-of-bounds"); return NULL; /* not local error: */ } /* else 'in' whines */ else return Py_BuildValue("s", self->stack[index]); /* convert output */ } static PyObject * stack_slice(self, ilow, ihigh) stackobject *self; /* on "instance[ilow:ihigh]" */ int ilow, ihigh; /* negative-adjusted, not scaled */ { /* XXXX return the ilow..ihigh slice of self in a new object */ onError("slicing not yet implemented") } /***************************************************************************** * TYPE DESCRIPTORS *****************************************************************************/ static PySequenceMethods stack_as_sequence = { /* sequence supplement */ (inquiry) stack_length, /* sq_length "len(x)" */ (binaryfunc) stack_concat, /* sq_concat "x + y" */ (intargfunc) stack_repeat, /* sq_repeat "x * n" */ (intargfunc) stack_item, /* sq_item "x[i], in" */ (intintargfunc) stack_slice, /* sq_slice "x[i:j]" */ (intobjargproc) 0, /* sq_ass_item "x[i] = v" */ (intintobjargproc) 0, /* sq_ass_slice "x[i:j]=v" */ }; static PyTypeObject Stacktype = { /* main python type-descriptor */ /* type header */ /* shared by all instances */ PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type) 0, /* ob_size */ "stack", /* tp_name */ sizeof(stackobject), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ /* standard methods */ (destructor) stack_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc ref-count==0 */ (printfunc) stack_print, /* tp_print "print x" */ (getattrfunc) stack_getattr, /* tp_getattr "x.attr" */ (setattrfunc) 0, /* tp_setattr "x.attr=v" */ (cmpfunc) stack_compare, /* tp_compare "x > y" */ (reprfunc) 0, /* tp_repr `x`, print x */ /* type categories */ 0, /* tp_as_number +,-,*,/,%,&,>>,pow...*/ &stack_as_sequence, /* tp_as_sequence +,[i],[i:j],len, ...*/ 0, /* tp_as_mapping [key], len, ...*/ /* more methods */ (hashfunc) 0, /* tp_hash "dict[x]" */ (ternaryfunc) 0, /* tp_call "x()" */ (reprfunc) 0, /* tp_str "str(x)" */ }; /* plus others: see Include/object.h */ /***************************************************************************** * MODULE LOGIC *****************************************************************************/ static PyObject * stacktype_new(self, args) /* on "x = stacktype.Stack()" */ PyObject *self; /* self not used */ PyObject *args; /* constructor args */ { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "")) /* Module-method function */ return NULL; return (PyObject *)newstackobject(); /* make a new type-instance object */ } /* the hook from module to type... */ static struct PyMethodDef stacktype_methods[] = { {"Stack", stacktype_new, 1}, /* one function: make a stack */ {NULL, NULL} /* end marker, for initmodule */ }; void initstacktype() /* on first "import stacktype" */ { PyObject *m, *d; m = Py_InitModule("stacktype", stacktype_methods); /* make the module, */ d = PyModule_GetDict(m); /* with 'Stack' func */ ErrorObject = Py_BuildValue("s", "stacktype.error"); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "error", ErrorObject); /* export exception */ if (PyErr_Occurred()) Py_FatalError("can't initialize module stacktype"); }