/****************************************************** * Wraps ppembed API, sets up names for Python code; * Include in main C program files, and link C objects * with runpy.o and Python lib .a to make an executable; * to run the executable, set PYTHONPATH to include the * Python standard library (if a non-standard install), * plus the directory where cinterface.so is installed. * to route code strings and byte code to the pdb Python * debugger, simply set PP_DEBUG (in libppembed.a) to 1; * * Executable build requirements: * headers: Python.h, runpy.h * objects: runpy.o, libpython1.5.a, libppembed.a, * others: additional app C files, with a main() function. * * Intallation/run requirements: * modules: cinterface.co * others: executable, Python standard lib ******************************************************/ #ifndef RUNPY_H #define RUNPY_H #include extern char *RunPyError; extern int RunPyInitialize(); extern int RunPyExecCodeString(char *code); extern PyObject *RunPyCompileCodeString(char *codestr); extern int RunPyExecBytecode(PyObject *codeobj); extern void RunPyPrintPythonErrorInfo(); #endif