###################################################### # PyMailGui 1.0 - A Python/Tkinter email client. # Early version without threads for wait states. # # Adds a simple Tkinter GUI interface to the pymail # script's functionality. Works for POP/SMTP based # email accounts using sockets on the machine on # which this script is run. # # I like this script for two main reasons: # 1) It's scriptable--you control its evolution # from this point forward, and can easily customize # and program it by editing the Python code in this # file, unlike canned products like MS-Outlook. # 2) It's portable--this script can be used to # process your email on any machine with internet # sockets where Python and Tkinter are installed; # use the simple command-line based pymail.py if # you have sockets and Python but not Tkinter. # E.g., I use this to read my pop email account # from UNIX machines when I'm away from home PC. # Note: only fetches new mail on 'Load' button, # and assumes nothing else is changing the pop # mailbox while the gui is running (ex: deletes). # # There is much room for improvement and new features # here--left as exercises. Example extensions: # - Add an automatic spam filter, which matches # from/to hdrs etc. with a regex and auto deletes # matching messages as they are being downloaded; # - Do attachments: auto decoding/unpacking for # multi-part emails, etc.: see decode*.py here # and module mimetools for attachment hints; # - Fields in the main list box could be padded to # a standard length or put in distinct widgets. # - Make me a class to avoid global vars, and make # it easier to attach this GUI to another one; # that would also allow creation of more than one # mail client gui per process, but this won't work # as currently designed (deletes in one gui can # invalidate others, due to new pop msg numbers); # - Inherit from GuiMaker here to get menu/toolbars; # - Handle wait states better (e.g., use threads); # alas, calling win.update() from a thread every # N secs using time.sleep fails on Windows today; # need to call update() sometime during load/send; ###################################################### import pymail, mailconfig import rfc822, StringIO, string, sys from Tkinter import * from tkFileDialog import asksaveasfilename from tkMessageBox import showinfo, showerror, askyesno def fillIndex(msgList): # fill all of main listbox listBox.delete(0, END) count = 1 for msg in msgList: hdrs = rfc822.Message(StringIO.StringIO(msg)) msginfo = '%02d' % count for key in ('Subject', 'From', 'Date'): if hdrs.has_key(key): msginfo = msginfo + ' | ' + hdrs[key][:30] listBox.insert(END, msginfo) count = count+1 listBox.see(END) # show most recent mail=last line def selectedMsg(): # get msg selected in main listbox # print listBox.curselection() if listBox.curselection() == (): return 0 # empty tuple:no selection else: # else zero-based index return eval(listBox.curselection()[0]) + 1 # in a 1-item tuple of str def modalupdate(win): # handle events 4 times/sec while in wait state # alas, this doesn't quite work on windows today import time while busyWait: #print 'modalupdate' win.update() time.sleep(0.25) def modalstop(win): global busyWait busyWait = 0 # stop updates thread win.destroy() # erase popup window def modalstart(message): # popup wait message box, start updates timer global busyWait new = Toplevel() new.title('PyMail Wait') Label(new, text=message+'...', height=10, width=40, cursor='watch').pack() new.focus() busyWait = 1 if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': new.update() # on windows popup window now else: # else stay alive during wait import thread thread.start_new_thread(modalupdate, (new,)) return new # plus new.grab?, new.destroy to erase def onLoadMail(): # load all (or new) pop email getpassword() win = modalstart('Retrieving mail') global msgList try: nextnum = len(msgList) + 1 newmail = pymail.loadmessages(mailserver, mailuser, mailpswd, nextnum) msgList = msgList + newmail except: excinfo = '\n' + str(sys.exc_type) + '\n' + str(sys.exc_value) showerror('PyMail', 'Error loading mail\n' + excinfo) fillIndex(msgList) modalstop(win) def onViewRawMail(): # view selected message - raw mail text with header lines msgnum = selectedMsg() if not (1 <= msgnum <= len(msgList)): showerror('PyMail', 'No message selected') else: text = msgList[msgnum-1] # put in ScrolledText from ScrolledText import ScrolledText window = Toplevel() window.title('PyMail raw message viewer #' + str(msgnum)) browser = ScrolledText(window) browser.insert('0.0', text) browser.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) def onViewFormatMail(): # view selected message - popup formatted display msgnum = selectedMsg() if not (1 <= msgnum <= len(msgList)): showerror('PyMail', 'No message selected') else: mailtext = msgList[msgnum-1] # put in a TextEditor form textfile = StringIO.StringIO(mailtext) headers = rfc822.Message(textfile) # strips header lines bodytext = textfile.read() # rest is message body editmail('View #%d' % msgnum, headers.get('From', '?'), headers.get('To', '?'), headers.get('Subject', '?'), bodytext, headers.get('Cc', '?')) def onSaveMail(): # save selected message in file mailfile = asksaveasfilename(title='PyMail Save File', initialdir='.') if mailfile: if allModeVar.get(): for i in range(1, len(msgList)+1): pymail.savemessage(i, mailfile, msgList) else: msgnum = selectedMsg() if not (1 <= msgnum <= len(msgList)): showerror('PyMail', 'No message selected') else: pymail.savemessage(msgnum, mailfile, msgList) def onDeleteMail(): # delete selected message on exit global toDelete if allModeVar.get(): toDelete = range(1, len(msgList)+1) else: msgnum = selectedMsg() if not (1 <= msgnum <= len(msgList)): showerror('PyMail', 'No message selected') else: toDelete.append(msgnum) def sendMail(From, To, Cc, Subj, text): # send completed email import smtplib, time from mailconfig import smtpservername date = time.ctime(time.time()) Cchdr = (Cc and 'Cc: %s\n' % Cc) or '' hdrs = ('From: %s\nTo: %s\n%sDate: %s\nSubject: %s\n' % (From, To, Cchdr, date, Subj)) hdrs = hdrs + 'X-Mailer: PyMail Version 1.0 (Python)\n' Ccs = (Cc and string.split(Cc, ';')) or [] # some servers reject [''] Tos = string.split(To, ';') + Ccs # cc: hdr line, and To list Tos = map(string.strip, Tos) # some addrs can have ','s win = modalstart('Sending mail') # strip spaces around addrs print 'Connecting to mail...', Tos errors = {} # smtplib may raise except try: # or return an errors dict server = smtplib.SMTP(smtpservername) errors = server.sendmail(From, Tos, hdrs + text) server.quit() except: excinfo = '\n' + str(sys.exc_type) + '\n' + str(sys.exc_value) showerror('PyMail', 'Error sending mail\n' + excinfo) else: if errors: showerror('PyMail', 'Some send errors:\n' + str(errors)) modalstop(win) def onWriteReplyFwdSend(window, editor, hdrs): # mail edit window send button press From, To, Cc, Subj = hdrs sendtext = editor.getAllText() sendMail(From.get(), To.get(), Cc.get(), Subj.get(), sendtext) window.destroy() def editmail(mode, From, To='', Subj='', origtext='', Cc=''): # create a mail edit/view window win = Toplevel() win.title('PyMail - '+ mode) win.iconname('PyMail') viewOnly = (mode[:4] == 'View') # header entry fields frm = Frame(win); frm.pack( side=TOP, fill=X) lfrm = Frame(frm); lfrm.pack(side=LEFT, expand=NO, fill=BOTH) mfrm = Frame(frm); mfrm.pack(side=LEFT, expand=NO, fill=NONE) rfrm = Frame(frm); rfrm.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) hdrs = [] for (label, start) in [('From:', From), ('To:', To), ('Cc:', Cc), ('Subj:', Subj)]: lab = Label(mfrm, text=label, justify=LEFT) ent = Entry(rfrm) lab.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=X) ent.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=X) ent.insert('0', start) hdrs.append(ent) # send, cancel buttons epatch = [None] sendit = (lambda w=win, e=epatch, h=hdrs: onWriteReplyFwdSend(w, e[0], h)) for (label, callback) in [('Cancel', win.destroy), ('Send', sendit)]: if not (viewOnly and label == 'Send'): b = Button(lfrm, text=label, command=callback) b.config(bg='beige', relief=RIDGE, bd=2) b.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) # body text editor - make,pack last=clip first from PP2E.Gui.TextEditor.textEditor import TextEditorComponentMinimal editor = epatch[0] = TextEditorComponentMinimal(win) editor.pack(side=BOTTOM) if (not viewOnly) and mailconfig.mysignature: # add signature text? origtext = ('\n%s\n' % mailconfig.mysignature) + origtext editor.setAllText(origtext) def onWriteMail(): # compose new email editmail('Write', From=mailconfig.myaddress) def quoteorigtext(msgnum): origtext = msgList[msgnum-1] textfile = StringIO.StringIO(origtext) headers = rfc822.Message(textfile) # strips header lines bodytext = textfile.read() # rest is message body quoted = '\n-----Original Message-----\n' for hdr in ('From', 'To', 'Subject', 'Date'): quoted = quoted + ( '%s: %s\n' % (hdr, headers.get(hdr, '?')) ) quoted = quoted + '\n' + bodytext quoted = '\n' + string.replace(quoted, '\n', '\n> ') return quoted def onReplyMail(): # reply to selected email msgnum = selectedMsg() if not (1 <= msgnum <= len(msgList)): showerror('PyMail', 'No message selected') else: text = quoteorigtext(msgnum) hdrs = rfc822.Message(StringIO.StringIO(msgList[msgnum-1])) To = '%s <%s>' % hdrs.getaddr('From') From = mailconfig.myaddress or '%s <%s>' % hdrs.getaddr('To') Subj = 'Re: ' + hdrs.get('Subject', '(no subject)') editmail('Reply', From, To, Subj, text) def onFwdMail(): # forward selected email msgnum = selectedMsg() if not (1 <= msgnum <= len(msgList)): showerror('PyMail', 'No message selected') else: text = quoteorigtext(msgnum) hdrs = rfc822.Message(StringIO.StringIO(msgList[msgnum-1])) From = mailconfig.myaddress or '%s <%s>' % hdrs.getaddr('To') Subj = 'Fwd: ' + hdrs.get('Subject', '(no subject)') editmail('Forward', From, '', Subj, text) def onQuitMail(): # exit mail tool, delete now if askyesno('PyMail Verify', 'Verify Quit?'): if toDelete: showinfo('PyMail', 'Deleting mail from server...') getpassword() pymail.deletemessages(mailserver, mailuser, mailpswd, toDelete, 0) showinfo('PyMail', 'Mail deleted from server...') rootWin.quit() def getpassword(): # prompt for pop password global mailpswd if mailpswd: # getpass.getpass uses stdin, not GUI return # tkSimpleDialog.askstring echos input else: win = Toplevel() win.title('PyMail Prompt') prompt = 'Password for %s on %s?' % (mailuser, mailserver) Label(win, text=prompt).pack(side=LEFT) entvar = StringVar() ent = Entry(win, textvariable=entvar, show='*') ent.pack(side=RIGHT) ent.bind('', lambda event, savewin=win: savewin.destroy()) win.focus_set(); win.grab_set(); win.wait_window() win.update() mailpswd = entvar.get() # ent widget is gone def decorate(rootWin): # window manager stuff for main window rootWin.title('PyMail 1.0') rootWin.iconname('PyMail') rootWin.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', onQuitMail) def makemainwindow(parent=None): # make the main window global rootWin, listBox, allModeVar if parent: rootWin = Frame(parent) # attach to a parent rootWin.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) else: rootWin = Tk() # assume I'm standalone decorate(rootWin) # add main buttons at bottom frame1 = Frame(rootWin) frame1.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) allModeVar = IntVar() Checkbutton(frame1, text="All", variable=allModeVar).pack(side=RIGHT) actions = [ ('Load', onLoadMail), ('View', onViewFormatMail), ('Save', onSaveMail), ('Del', onDeleteMail), ('Write', onWriteMail), ('Reply', onReplyMail), ('Fwd', onFwdMail), ('Quit', onQuitMail) ] for (title, callback) in actions: Button(frame1, text=title, command=callback).pack(side=LEFT, fill=X) # add main listbox and scrollbar frame2 = Frame(rootWin) vscroll = Scrollbar(frame2) fontsz = (sys.platform[:3] == 'win' and 8) or 10 listBox = Listbox(frame2, bg='white', font=('courier', fontsz)) # crosslink listbox and scrollbar vscroll.config(command=listBox.yview, relief=SUNKEN) listBox.config(yscrollcommand=vscroll.set, relief=SUNKEN, selectmode=SINGLE) listBox.bind('', lambda event: onViewRawMail()) frame2.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) vscroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH) listBox.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) return rootWin helptext = """ PyMail, version 1.0 February, 2000 Programming Python, 2nd Ed. Click buttons to process email: - Load all or new pop mail - View selected message - Save selected (or all) mails - Delete selected (or all) on exit - Write to send new mail by smtp - Reply to selected mail by smtp - Forward selected mail by smtp - Quit Pymail system and delete Double-clicking on a selected mail in the main listbox lets you view the mail's raw text. Click All to apply Save or Del to all retrieved mails in list. Mail is only removed from pop servers on exit, and only mails deleted with Del are removed. Put ';' between multiple addrs. Change mailconfig.py to reflect your email servers, address, and optional signature. """ def container(): # use attachment to add help button # this is a bit easier with classes root = Tk() title = Button(root, text='PyMail - a Python/Tkinter email client') title.config(bg='steelblue', fg='white', relief=RIDGE) title.config(command=(lambda: showinfo('PyMail', helptext))) title.pack(fill=X) decorate(root) return root # init global/module vars msgList = [] # list of retrieved emails text toDelete = [] # msgnums to be deleted on exit listBox = None # main window's scrolled msg list rootWin = None # the main window of this program allModeVar = None # for All mode checkbox value mailserver = mailconfig.popservername # where to read pop email from mailuser = mailconfig.popusername # smtp server in mailconfig too mailpswd = None # passwd input via a popup here #mailfile = mailconfig.savemailfile # from a file select dialog here if __name__ == '__main__': #run stand-alone or attached #rootWin = makemainwindow() rootWin = makemainwindow(container()) rootWin.mainloop()