C:\PP2ndEd\examples\Part2\Internet\Email>python popmail.py Password for pop.rmi.net? Connecting... +OK Cubic Circle's v1.31 1998/05/13 POP3 ready <4860000073ed6c39@chevalier> There are 2 mail messages in 1386 bytes ('+OK 2 messages (1386 octets)', ['1 744', '2 642'], 14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Press Enter key] Received: by chevalier (mbox lutz) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Wed Jul 12 16:13:33 2000) X-From_: lumber.jack@TheLarch.com Wed Jul 12 16:10:28 2000 Return-Path: Received: from VAIO (dial-218.101.denco.rmi.net []) by chevalier.rmi.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA21434 for ; Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:10:27 -0600 (MDT) From: lumber.jack@TheLarch.com Message-Id: <200007122210.QAA21434@chevalier.rmi.net> To: lutz@rmi.net Date: Wed Jul 12 16:03:59 2000 Subject: I'm a Lumberjack, and I'm okay X-Mailer: PyMailGui Version 1.0 (Python) I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Press Enter key] Received: by chevalier (mbox lutz) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Wed Jul 12 16:13:54 2000) X-From_: lutz@rmi.net Wed Jul 12 16:12:42 2000 Return-Path: Received: from VAIO (dial-218.101.denco.rmi.net []) by chevalier.rmi.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA24093 for ; Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:12:37 -0600 (MDT) Message-Id: <200007122212.QAA24093@chevalier.rmi.net> From: lutz@rmi.net To: lutz@rmi.net Date: Wed Jul 12 16:06:12 2000 Subject: testing X-Mailer: PyMailGui Version 1.0 (Python) Testing Python mail tools. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bye. C:\PP2ndEd\examples\Part2\Internet\Email>python smtpmail.py From? Eric.the.Half.a.Bee@semibee.com To? lutz@rmi.net Subj? A B C D E F G Type message text, end with line=(ctrl + D or Z) Fiddle de dum, Fiddle de dee, Eric the half a bee. Connecting... No errors. Bye. C:\PP2ndEd\examples\Part2\Internet\Email>python smtpmail.py From? lutz@rmi.net To? lutz@rmi.net Subj? testing smtpmail Type message text, end with line=(ctrl + D or Z) Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! Connecting... No errors. Bye. C:\PP2ndEd\examples\Part2\Internet\Email>python popmail.py Password for pop.rmi.net? Connecting... +OK Cubic Circle's v1.31 1998/05/13 POP3 ready There are 6 mail messages in 10941 bytes ('+OK 6 messages (10941 octets)', ['1 744', '2 642', '3 4456', '4 697', '5 3791' , '6 611'], 44) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Press Enter key] Received: by chevalier (mbox lutz) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Wed Jul 12 16:19:20 2000) X-From_: Eric.the.Half.a.Bee@semibee.com Wed Jul 12 16:16:31 2000 Return-Path: Received: from VAIO (dial-218.101.denco.rmi.net []) by chevalier.rmi.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA28647 for ; Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:16:30 -0600 (MDT) From: Eric.the.Half.a.Bee@semibee.com Message-Id: <200007122216.QAA28647@chevalier.rmi.net> To: lutz@rmi.net Date: Wed Jul 12 16:09:21 2000 Subject: A B C D E F G Fiddle de dum, Fiddle de dee, Eric the half a bee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Press Enter key] Received: by chevalier (mbox lutz) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Wed Jul 12 16:19:51 2000) X-From_: lutz@rmi.net Wed Jul 12 16:17:58 2000 Return-Path: Received: from VAIO (dial-218.101.denco.rmi.net []) by chevalier.rmi.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA00415 for ; Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:17:57 -0600 (MDT) Message-Id: <200007122217.QAA00415@chevalier.rmi.net> From: lutz@rmi.net To: lutz@rmi.net Date: Wed Jul 12 16:10:55 2000 Subject: testing smtpmail Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bye. C:\PP2ndEd\examples\Part2\Internet\Email>python pymail.py Password for pop.rmi.net? [Pymail email client] Connecting... +OK Cubic Circle's v1.31 1998/05/13 POP3 ready <870f000002f56c39@chevalier> ('+OK 5 messages (7150 octets)', ['1 744', '2 642', '3 4456', '4 697', '5 611'], 36) There are 5 mail messages in 7150 bytes Retrieving: 1 2 3 4 5 There are 5 mail messages in 7150 bytes Retrieving: 1 2 3 4 5 1: 676 bytes From=>lumber.jack@TheLarch.com Date=>Wed Jul 12 16:03:59 2000 Subject=>I'm a Lumberjack, and I'm okay 2: 587 bytes From=>lutz@rmi.net Date=>Wed Jul 12 16:06:12 2000 Subject=>testing 3: 4307 bytes From=>"Mark Hammond" Date=>Wed, 12 Jul 2000 18:11:58 -0400 Subject=>[Python-Dev] Python .NET (was Preventing 1.5 extensions crashin g under 1.6/2.0 Python) 4: 623 bytes From=>Eric.the.Half.a.Bee@semibee.com Date=>Wed Jul 12 16:09:21 2000 Subject=>A B C D E F G 5: 557 bytes From=>lutz@rmi.net Date=>Wed Jul 12 16:10:55 2000 Subject=>testing smtpmail [Press Enter key] [Pymail] Action? (i, l, d, s, m, q, ?) l 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received: by chevalier (mbox lutz) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Wed Jul 12 16:45:38 2000) X-From_: lutz@rmi.net Wed Jul 12 16:17:58 2000 Return-Path: Received: from VAIO (dial-218.101.denco.rmi.net []) by chevalier.rmi.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA00415 for ; Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:17:57 -0600 (MDT) Message-Id: <200007122217.QAA00415@chevalier.rmi.net> From: lutz@rmi.net To: lutz@rmi.net Date: Wed Jul 12 16:10:55 2000 Subject: testing smtpmail Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Pymail] Action? (i, l, d, s, m, q, ?) l 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received: by chevalier (mbox lutz) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Wed Jul 12 16:45:38 2000) X-From_: Eric.the.Half.a.Bee@semibee.com Wed Jul 12 16:16:31 2000 Return-Path: Received: from VAIO (dial-218.101.denco.rmi.net []) by chevalier.rmi.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA28647 for ; Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:16:30 -0600 (MDT) From: Eric.the.Half.a.Bee@semibee.com Message-Id: <200007122216.QAA28647@chevalier.rmi.net> To: lutz@rmi.net Date: Wed Jul 12 16:09:21 2000 Subject: A B C D E F G Fiddle de dum, Fiddle de dee, Eric the half a bee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Pymail] Action? (i, l, d, s, m, q, ?) ? Available commands: i - index display l n? - list all messages (or just message n) d n? - mark all messages for deletion (or just message n) s n? - save all messages to a file (or just message n) m - compose and send a new mail message q - quit pymail ? - display this help text [Pymail] Action? (i, l, d, s, m, q, ?) d 1 [Pymail] Action? (i, l, d, s, m, q, ?) s 4 [Pymail] Action? (i, l, d, s, m, q, ?) m From? Cardinal@nice.red.suits.com To? lutz@rmi.net Subj? Among our weapons are these: Type message text, end with line=(ctrl + D or Z) Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition! Connecting... No errors. Bye. [Pymail] Action? (i, l, d, s, m, q, ?) q To be deleted: [1] Delete?y Connecting... +OK Cubic Circle's v1.31 1998/05/13 POP3 ready <8e2e0000aff66c39@chevalier> Deleting messages from server. Bye. C:\PP2ndEd\examples\Part2\Internet\Email>python pymail.py Password for pop.rmi.net? [Pymail email client] Connecting... +OK Cubic Circle's v1.31 1998/05/13 POP3 ready <40310000d5f66c39@chevalier> ... There are 5 mail messages in 7090 bytes Retrieving: 1 2 3 4 5 1: 587 bytes From=>lutz@rmi.net Date=>Wed Jul 12 16:06:12 2000 Subject=>testing 2: 4307 bytes From=>"Mark Hammond" Date=>Wed, 12 Jul 2000 18:11:58 -0400 Subject=>[Python-Dev] Python .NET (was Preventing 1.5 extensions crashin g under 1.6/2.0 Python) 3: 623 bytes From=>Eric.the.Half.a.Bee@semibee.com Date=>Wed Jul 12 16:09:21 2000 Subject=>A B C D E F G 4: 557 bytes From=>lutz@rmi.net Date=>Wed Jul 12 16:10:55 2000 Subject=>testing smtpmail 5: 615 bytes From=>Cardinal@nice.red.suits.com Date=>Wed Jul 12 16:44:58 2000 Subject=>Among our weapons are these: [Press Enter key] [Pymail] Action? (i, l, d, s, m, q, ?) l 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received: by chevalier (mbox lutz) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Wed Jul 12 16:53:24 2000) X-From_: Cardinal@nice.red.suits.com Wed Jul 12 16:51:53 2000 Return-Path: Received: from VAIO (dial-218.101.denco.rmi.net []) by chevalier.rmi.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA11127 for ; Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:51:52 -0600 (MDT) From: Cardinal@nice.red.suits.com Message-Id: <200007122251.QAA11127@chevalier.rmi.net> To: lutz@rmi.net Date: Wed Jul 12 16:44:58 2000 Subject: Among our weapons are these: Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Pymail] Action? (i, l, d, s, m, q, ?) q Bye. C:\PP2ndEd\examples\Part2\Internet\Email>type c:\stuff\etc\savemail.txt Received: by chevalier (mbox lutz) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Wed Jul 12 16:45:38 2000) X-From_: Eric.the.Half.a.Bee@semibee.com Wed Jul 12 16:16:31 2000 Return-Path: Received: from VAIO (dial-218.101.denco.rmi.net []) by chevalier.rmi.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA28647 for ; Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:16:30 -0600 (MDT) From: Eric.the.Half.a.Bee@semibee.com Message-Id: <200007122216.QAA28647@chevalier.rmi.net> To: lutz@rmi.net Date: Wed Jul 12 16:09:21 2000 Subject: A B C D E F G Fiddle de dum, Fiddle de dee, Eric the half a bee. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------