#!/usr/local/bin/python ################################################# # Try to play an arbitrary audio file. # This may not work on your system as is; it # uses audio filters on Unix, and filename # associations on Windows via the start command # line (i.e., whatever you have on your machine # to run *.au files--an audio player, or perhaps # a web browser); configure me as needed. We # could instead launch a web browser here, with # LaunchBrowser.py. See also: Lib/audiodev.py. ################################################# import os, sys sample = 'sousa.au' # default audio file unixhelpmsg = """ Sorry: can't find an audio filter for your system! Add an entry for your system to the "unixfilter" dictionary in playfile.py, or play the file manually. """ unixfilter = {'sunos5': '/usr/bin/audioplay', 'linux2': '', 'sunos4': '/usr/demo/SOUND/play'} def playfile(sample=sample): """ play an audio file: use name associations on windows, filter command-lines elsewhere """ if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': os.system('start ' + sample) # runs your audio player else: if not (unixfilter.has_key(sys.platform) and os.path.exists(unixfilter[sys.platform])): print unixhelpmsg else: theme = open(sample, 'r') audio = os.popen(unixfilter[sys.platform], 'w') # spawn shell tool audio.write(theme.read()) # send to its stdin if __name__ == '__main__': playfile()