########################################################################## # use ftp to upload all files from a local dir to a remote site/directory; # e.g., run me to copy an ftp site's files from your machine to your ISP, # especially handy if you only have ftp access to your website, not a # telnet/shell account access (else you could tar up all files and # transfer in a single step to the remote machine and untar there); # to upload subdirectories too, use os.path.isdir(path), FTP().mkd(path), # and recursion--see uploadall.py for a version that supports subdirs. # note that we need 'rb' mode to write things like gif files, due to the # automatic \r\n <=> \n mapping on MS-Windows in text mode; we could # use 'rb' for text too, but ftplib makes all eolns '\r\n' either way; # that means that text files show up in MS-DOS linefeed mode at the site. ##########################################################################