[server window, localhost] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>python getfile .py -mode server Server connected by ('', 1089) at Thu Mar 16 11:54:21 2000 Server connected by ('', 1090) at Thu Mar 16 11:54:37 2000 [client window, localhost] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>ls class-server.py echo.out.txt testdir thread-server.py echo-client.py fork-server.py testecho.py echo-server.py getfile.py testechowait.py C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>python getfile .py -file testdir\python15.lib -port 50001 Client got testdir\python15.lib at Thu Mar 16 11:54:21 2000 C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>python getfile .py -file testdir\textfile Client got testdir\textfile at Thu Mar 16 11:54:37 2000 C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>ls class-server.py echo.out.txt python15.lib testechowait.py echo-client.py fork-server.py testdir textfile echo-server.py getfile.py testecho.py thread-server.py C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>fc /B python1 .lib testdir\python15.lib Comparing files python15.lib and testdir\python15.lib FC: no differences encountered C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>fc /B textfil testdir\textfile Comparing files textfile and testdir\textfile FC: no differences encountered C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>ls -l python1 .lib textfile -rwxrwxrwa 1 0 0 295484 Mar 16 11:54 python15.lib -rwxrwxrwa 1 0 0 26 Mar 16 11:54 textfile C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>ls -l testdir python15.lib testdir\textfile -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 295484 Mar 16 11:50 testdir\python15.lib -rwxrwxrwa 1 0 0 26 Mar 16 11:33 testdir\textfile C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>rm textfile C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>python getfile .py -file testdir\textfile -port 50001 -host localhost Client got testdir\textfile at Thu Mar 16 11:58:56 2000 C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>fc /B textfile testdir\textfile Comparing files textfile and testdir\textfile FC: no differences encountered -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [running server remotely on starship, clients on win98 pc dos consoles] [server telnet window: first message is the python15.lib request in client window1; times were skewed between the two machines] [lutz@starship lutz]$ python getfile.py -mode server Server connected by ('', 1185) at Thu Mar 16 16:02:07 2000 Server connected by ('', 1187) at Thu Mar 16 16:03:24 2000 Server connected by ('', 1189) at Thu Mar 16 16:03:52 2000 Server connected by ('', 1191) at Thu Mar 16 16:04:09 2000 Server connected by ('', 1193) at Thu Mar 16 16:04:38 2000 [client window 1: started first, runs in thread while other client requests are made in client window 2, and processed by other server threads] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>python getfile .py -mode client -host starship.python.net -port 50001 -file python15.lib Client got python15.lib at Thu Mar 16 14:07:37 2000 C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>fc /B python15 .lib testdir\python15.lib Comparing files python15.lib and testdir\python15.lib FC: no differences encountered [client window 2: requests made while client window 1 request downloading] C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>python getfile .py -host starship.python.net -file textfile Client got textfile at Thu Mar 16 14:02:29 2000 C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>fc textfile te stdir\textfile Comparing files textfile and testdir\textfile FC: no differences encountered C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>python getfile .py -host starship.python.net -file textfile Client got textfile at Thu Mar 16 14:04:11 2000 C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>python getfile .py -host starship.python.net -file textfile Client got textfile at Thu Mar 16 14:04:21 2000 C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples\Part2\Internet\Sockets>python getfile .py -host starship.python.net -file index.html Client got index.html at Thu Mar 16 14:06:22 2000