#!/usr/local/bin/python marker = '::::::' from glob import glob from sys import argv import os # no need to import pack/unpack def pack(): output = raw_input("output file name? ") # run as a script pattern = raw_input("files to pack? ") # slower than call os.system('pack2.py %s %s' % (output, pattern)) # system glob's def unpack(): os.system('unpack3.py %s' % raw_input("input file name? ")) def interact(): while 1: name = raw_input("tool? [pack, unpack, stop] ") if name == 'pack': pack() elif name == 'unpack': unpack() elif name == 'stop': break else: print 'what? - try again' if __name__ == '__main__': try: if len(argv) == 1: interact() else: if argv[1] == '-i': interact() elif argv[1] == '-p': pack() elif argv[1] == '-u': unpack() else: print 'usage error' except EOFError: pass # ctrl-D exits anything print 'bye'