class Scalar: def __add__(self, other): print 'Scalar.add' def __radd__(self, other): print 'Scalar.radd' class Vector: def __add__(self, other): print 'Vector.add' def __radd__(self, other): print 'Vector.radd' class Simple: pass # no overloading s = Scalar() v = Vector() o = Simple() v + 123 123 + v # class and non-class objects print s + v v + s # class and class, both overload + v + v print v + o # class and class, one overloads + o + v # same as class and non-class case ###################################################################### # C:\Stuff\Mark\Writing\PP2ndEd\dev\examples>python # Vector.add # Vector.radd # # Scalar.add # Vector.add # Vector.add # # Vector.add # Vector.radd ######################################################################