######################################################### # Use: "python fixeoln_dir.py [tounix|todos] patterns?". # convert end-lines in all the text files in the current # directory (only: does not recurse to subdirectories). # Resuses converter in the single-file _one version. ######################################################### import sys, glob from fixeoln_one import convertEndlines listonly = 0 patts = ['*.py', '*.pyw', '*.txt', '*.cgi', '*.html', # text file names '*.c', '*.cxx', '*.h', '*.i', '*.out', # in this package 'README*', 'makefile*', 'output*', '*.note'] if __name__ == '__main__': errmsg = 'Required first argument missing: "todos" or "tounix"' assert (len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] in ['todos', 'tounix']), errmsg if len(sys.argv) > 2: # glob anyhow: '*' not applied on dos patts = sys.argv[2:] # though not really needed on linux filelists = map(glob.glob, patts) # name matches in this dir only count = 0 for list in filelists: for fname in list: if listonly: print count+1, '=>', fname else: convertEndlines(sys.argv[1], fname) count = count + 1 print 'Visited %d files' % count