#!/usr/local/bin/python/python # mail-tool, version 1 # to do: handle continued lines, etc. # see the mail-header tools in the standard library import sys, os sep = '#'*80 + '\n' if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'use: ?python mtool.py |* |* ? ?' sys.exit(1) From = sys.argv[1] To = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 3: mfile = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 4: ofile = sys.argv[4] else: ofile = 'mtool.out' else: mfile = '/usr/spool/mail/' + os.environ['USER'] ofile = 'mtool.out' In = open(mfile, 'r') Out = open(ofile, 'w') line = In.readline() while line: if line[:5] == 'From ' and (From == '*' or line[5:5+len(From)] == From): prefix = [sep, line] while line: line = In.readline() if line == '\n': break if line[:4] == 'To: ' and (To == '*' or line[4:4+len(To)] == To): Out.writelines(prefix) while line: Out.write(line) line = In.readline() if line[:5] == 'From ': break break prefix.append(line) else: line = In.readline() Out.close() print 'mtool finished: see "' + ofile + '".'