C:\stuff\Mark\Website>python site-forward.py ['GILLIGN2.GIF', 'FUZZY.GIF', 'demo05.gif', 'grail.gif', 'handbook.gif', 'HILLS. GIF', 'IMG00001.GIF', 'IMG00002.GIF', 'IMG00003.GIF', 'IMG00004.GIF', 'IMG00005. GIF', 'IMG00006.GIF', 'IMG00007.GIF', 'KIDS.GIF', 'pic13.html', 'mel1new-bw-smal l.gif', 'MEL4B.GIF', 'Mel5.gif', 'MLUTZ.JPG', 'ora-lp.gif', 'ora-pp.gif', 'ora-p pr.gif', 'prico.gif', 'progdiff.tar', 'PythonPoweredAnim.gif', 'Pywin.gif', 'UPD ATES', 'SONY_PCG818.jpg', 'talkmore.html', 'about-lp.html', 'about-lp-toc.html', 'about-me.html', 'about-pp.html', 'about-ppr.html', 'about-ppr-toc.html', 'abou t-python.html', 'advocacy.html', 'bio.html', 'book.html', 'cdrom.html', 'compser . . . creating about-ppr-japan.html as rmi-forward\about-ppr-japan.html creating ora-ppr-japan-big.gif as rmi-forward\ora-ppr-japan-big.gif creating All-html-011600.tar as rmi-forward\All-html-011600.tar creating boulder-classes.html as rmi-forward\boulder-classes.html Last file =>

This page has moved

This page now lives at this address:


Please click on the new address to jump to this page, and update any links accordingly.

Why the move? - The RMI story

Done: 150 forward files created. ----------------- with homedir = '~lutz/home'... creating img00005.gif as rmi-forward\img00005.gif creating img00007.gif as rmi-forward\img00007.gif creating fuzzy.gif as rmi-forward\fuzzy.gif creating hills.gif as rmi-forward\hills.gif Last file =>

This page has moved

This page now lives at this address:


Please click on the new address to jump to this page, and update any links accordingly.

Why the move? - The RMI story

Done: 144 forward files created. ------------------ Note: most browsers seem to handle html files stored under names like xxx.gif correctly (they interpret the html); if yours doesn't, you will need to filter out none html files when generating forward files: - with the listdir version -- if name[-4:] != 'html' - with the glob version -- use "*.html" as the glob pattern