In order to operate a FIFO with independent Read and Write clocks,
some asynchronous arbitration logic is needed to determine the status
flags. The previous Empty/Full generation logic and associated flip-flops
are no longer reliable, because they are now asynchronous with respect
to one another, since Empty is clocked by the Read Clock, and Full
is clocked by the Write Clock.
To solve this problem, and to maximize the speed of the control
logic, additional logic complexity is accepted for increased performance.
There are primary 9-bit Read and Write binary address counters,
which drive the address inputs to the Block RAM. The binary addresses
are converted to Gray-code, and pipelined for a few stages to create
several address pointers (read_addrgray, read_nextgray, read_lastgray,
write_addrgray, write_nextgray) which are used to generate the Full
and Empty flags as quickly as possible. Gray-code addresses are
used so that the registered Full and Empty flags are always clean,
and never in an unknown state due to the asynchronous relationship
of the Read and Write clocks. In the worst case scenario, Full and
Empty would simply stay active one cycle longer, but this would
not generate an error.
When the Read and Write Gray-code pointers are equal, the FIFO
is empty. When the Write Gray-code pointer is equal to the next
Read Gray-code pointer, the FIFO is full, having 511 words stored.
Additional comparators are used to determine when the FIFO is Almost
Empty and Almost Full, so that Empty and Full can be generated on
the same clock edge as the last operation. (Traditional control
logic uses an asynchronous signal to set the flags, but this is
much slower and limits the overall performance).
Unlike the common-clock version, it is not possible to keep a reliable
count of the number of words in the FIFO, so a FIFO status output
is used instead. It is five bits wide, with the signals representing
various ranges of fullness.
-- The following VHDL code implements a 511x8 FIFO in a Spartan-II
-- device. The inputs are a Read Clock and Read Enable, a Write
Clock --
-- and Write Enable, Write Data, and a FIFO_gsr signal as an initial
-- reset. The outputs are Read Data, Full, Empty, and the FIFOstatus
-- outputs, which indicate roughly how full the FIFO is. --
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity fifoctlr_ic is
port (read_clock_in: IN std_logic;
write_clock_in: IN std_logic;
read_enable_in: IN std_logic;
write_enable_in: IN std_logic;
fifo_gsr_in: IN std_logic;
write_data_in: IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
read_data_out: OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
full_out: OUT std_logic;
empty_out: OUT std_logic;
fifostatus_out: OUT std_logic_vector(4 downto 0));
END fifoctlr_ic;
architecture fifoctlr_ic_hdl of fifoctlr_ic is
signal read_clock: std_logic;
signal write_clock: std_logic;
signal read_enable: std_logic;
signal write_enable: std_logic;
signal fifo_gsr: std_logic;
signal read_data: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal write_data: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal full: std_logic;
signal empty: std_logic;
signal read_addr: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal read_addrgray: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal read_nextgray: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal read_lastgray: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal write_addr: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal write_addrgray: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal write_nextgray: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal fifostatus: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal read_allow: std_logic;
signal write_allow: std_logic;
signal ecomp: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal aecomp: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal fcomp: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal afcomp: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal emuxcyo: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal aemuxcyo: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal fmuxcyo: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal afmuxcyo: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal emptyg: std_logic;
signal almostemptyg: std_logic;
signal fullg: std_logic;
signal almostfullg: std_logic;
signal ecin: std_logic;
signal aecin: std_logic;
signal fcin: std_logic;
signal afcin: std_logic;
signal gnd: std_logic;
signal gnd_bus: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal pwr: std_logic;
component BUFGP
port (
I: IN std_logic;
O: OUT std_logic);
END component;
component MUXCY_L
port (
DI: IN std_logic;
CI: IN std_logic;
S: IN std_logic;
LO: OUT std_logic);
END component;
component RAMB4_S8_S8
port (
ADDRA: IN std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ADDRB: IN std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
DIA: IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DIB: IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
WEA: IN std_logic;
WEB: IN std_logic;
CLKA: IN std_logic;
CLKB: IN std_logic;
RSTA: IN std_logic;
RSTB: IN std_logic;
ENA: IN std_logic;
ENB: IN std_logic;
DOA: OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DOB: OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
END component;
read_enable <= read_enable_in;
write_enable <= write_enable_in;
fifo_gsr <= fifo_gsr_in;
write_data <= write_data_in;
read_data_out <= read_data;
full_out <= full;
empty_out <= empty;
fifostatus_out <= fifostatus;
gnd_bus <= "00000000";
gnd <= '0';
pwr <= '1';
-- Allow flags determine whether FIFO control logic can --
-- operate. If read_enable is driven high, and the FIFO is --
-- not Empty, then Reads are allowed. Similarly, if the --
-- write_enable signal is high, and the FIFO is not Full, --
-- then Writes are allowed. --
read_allow <= (read_enable AND NOT empty);
write_allow <= (write_enable AND NOT full);
-- Global input clock buffers are instantianted for both the --
-- read_clock and the write_clock, to avoid skew problems. --
gclk1: BUFGP port map (I => read_clock_in, O => read_clock);
gclk2: BUFGP port map (I => write_clock_in, O => write_clock);
-- Block RAM instantiation for FIFO. Module is 512x8, of which --
-- one address location is sacrificed for the overall speed of --
-- the design.--
bram1: RAMB4_S8_S8 port map (ADDRA => read_addr, ADDRB => write_addr,
DIB => write_data, DIA => gnd_bus, WEA => gnd,
WEB => write_allow, CLKA => read_clock, CLKB => write_clock,
RSTA => gnd, RSTB => gnd, ENA => read_allow, ENB => pwr,
DOA => read_data);
-- Empty flag is set on fifo_gsr (initial), or when gray --
-- code counters are equal, or when there is one word in --
-- the FIFO, and a Read operation is about to be performed. --
proc1: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
empty <= '1';
ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
IF ((emptyg = '1') OR ((almostemptyg = '1') AND (read_enable = '1')
(empty = '0'))) THEN
empty <= '1';
empty <= '0';
-- Full flag is set on fifo_gsr (initial, but it is cleared --
-- on the first valid write_clock edge after fifo_gsr is --
-- de-asserted), or when Gray-code counters are one away --
-- from being equal (the Write Gray-code address is equal --
-- to the Last Read Gray-code address), or when the Next --
-- Write Gray-code address is equal to the Last Read Gray- --
-- code address, and a Write operation is about to be --
-- performed. --
proc2: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
full <= '1';
ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
IF ((fullg = '1') OR ((almostfullg = '1') AND (write_enable = '1')
(full = '0'))) THEN
full <= '1';
full <= '0';
-- Generation of Read address pointers. The primary one is --
-- binary (read_addr), and the Gray-code derivatives are --
-- generated via pipelining the binary-to-Gray-code result. --
-- The initial values are important, so they're in sequence. --
-- Grey-code addresses are used so that the registered --
-- Full and Empty flags are always clean, and never in an --
-- unknown state due to the asynchonous relationship of the --
-- Read and Write clocks. In the worst case scenario, Full --
-- and Empty would simply stay active one cycle longer, but --
-- it would not generate an error or give false values. --
proc3: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
read_addr <= "000000000";
ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
IF (read_allow = '1') THEN
read_addr <= read_addr + 1;
proc4: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
read_nextgray <= "100000000";
ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
IF (read_allow = '1') THEN
read_nextgray(8) <= read_addr(8);
read_nextgray(7) <= read_addr(8) XOR read_addr(7);
read_nextgray(6) <= read_addr(7) XOR read_addr(6);
read_nextgray(5) <= read_addr(6) XOR read_addr(5);
read_nextgray(4) <= read_addr(5) XOR read_addr(4);
read_nextgray(3) <= read_addr(4) XOR read_addr(3);
read_nextgray(2) <= read_addr(3) XOR read_addr(2);
read_nextgray(1) <= read_addr(2) XOR read_addr(1);
read_nextgray(0) <= read_addr(1) XOR read_addr(0);
proc5: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
read_addrgray <= "100000001";
ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
IF (read_allow = '1') THEN
read_addrgray <= read_nextgray;
proc6: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
read_lastgray <= "100000011";
ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
IF (read_allow = '1') THEN
read_lastgray <= read_addrgray;
-- Generation of Write address pointers. Identical copy of --
-- read pointer generation above, except for names. --
proc7: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
write_addr <= "000000000";
ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
IF (write_allow = '1') THEN
write_addr <= write_addr + 1;
proc8: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
write_nextgray <= "100000000";
ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
IF (write_allow = '1') THEN
write_nextgray(8) <= write_addr(8);
write_nextgray(7) <= write_addr(8) XOR write_addr(7);
write_nextgray(6) <= write_addr(7) XOR write_addr(6);
write_nextgray(5) <= write_addr(6) XOR write_addr(5);
write_nextgray(4) <= write_addr(5) XOR write_addr(4);
write_nextgray(3) <= write_addr(4) XOR write_addr(3);
write_nextgray(2) <= write_addr(3) XOR write_addr(2);
write_nextgray(1) <= write_addr(2) XOR write_addr(1);
write_nextgray(0) <= write_addr(1) XOR write_addr(0);
proc9: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
write_addrgray <= "100000001";
ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
IF (write_allow = '1') THEN
write_addrgray <= write_nextgray;
-- Generation of FIFOstatus outputs. Used to determine how --
-- full FIFO is, based on how far the Write pointer is ahead --
-- of the Read pointer. Additional precision can be gained --
-- by using additional (top) bits of Gray-code addresses. --
proc10: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
-- for empty to 1/4 full (quads are equal)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
fifostatus(0) <= '1';
ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
IF ((read_addrgray(8 downto 7) = write_addrgray(8 downto 7))
AND (fifostatus(3) = '0') AND (fifostatus(4) = '0')) THEN
fifostatus(0) <= '1';
fifostatus(0) <= '0';
proc11: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
-- for 1 byte to 1/2 full (quad 1 ahead)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
fifostatus(1) <= '0';
ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
IF ((read_addrgray(8
downto 7)="00" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01")
OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11")
OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10")
OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00"))
fifostatus(1) <= '1';
fifostatus(1) <= '0';
proc12: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
-- for 1/4 to 3/4 full (quad 2 ahead)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
fifostatus(2) <= '0';
ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
IF ((read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00" AND write_addrgray(8 downto
OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10")
OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00")
OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01"))
fifostatus(2) <= '1';
fifostatus(2) <= '0';
proc13: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
-- for 1/2 to full (quad 3 ahead)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
fifostatus(3) <= '0';
ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
IF ((read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00" AND write_addrgray(8 downto
OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00")
OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01")
OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11"))
fifostatus(3) <= '1';
fifostatus(3) <= '0';
proc14: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
-- for 3/4 to full (quad 4 ahead/equal)
IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
fifostatus(4) <= '0';
ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
IF ((read_addrgray(8 downto 7) = write_addrgray(8 downto 7))
AND ((fifostatus(3) = '1') OR (fifostatus(4) = '1'))) THEN
fifostatus(4) <= '1';
fifostatus(4) <= '0';
-- The four conditions decoded with special carry logic are --
-- Empty, AlmostEmpty, Full, and AlmostFull. These are --
-- used to determine the next state of the Full/Empty --
-- flags. Carry logic is used for optimal speed. --
-- --
-- When the Write/Read Gray-code addresses are equal, the --
-- FIFO is Empty, and emptyg (combinatorial) is asserted. --
-- When the Write Gray-code address is equal to the Next --
-- Read Gray-code address (1 word in the FIFO), then the --
-- FIFO potentially could be going Empty (if read_enable is --
-- asserted, which is used in the logic that generates the --
-- registered version of Empty). --
-- --
-- Similarly, when the Write Gray-code address is equal to --
-- the Last Read Gray-code address, the FIFO is full. To --
-- have utilized the full address space (512 addresses) --
-- would have required extra logic to determine Full/Empty --
-- on equal addresses, and this would have slowed down the --
-- overall performance. Lastly, when the Next Write Gray- --
-- code address is equal to the Last Read Gray-code address --
-- the FIFO is Almost Full, with only one word left, and --
-- it is conditional on write_enable being asserted. --
ecomp(0) <= NOT (write_addrgray(0) XOR read_addrgray(0));
ecomp(1) <= NOT (write_addrgray(1) XOR read_addrgray(1));
ecomp(2) <= NOT (write_addrgray(2) XOR read_addrgray(2));
ecomp(3) <= NOT (write_addrgray(3) XOR read_addrgray(3));
ecomp(4) <= NOT (write_addrgray(4) XOR read_addrgray(4));
ecomp(5) <= NOT (write_addrgray(5) XOR read_addrgray(5));
ecomp(6) <= NOT (write_addrgray(6) XOR read_addrgray(6));
ecomp(7) <= NOT (write_addrgray(7) XOR read_addrgray(7));
ecomp(8) <= NOT (write_addrgray(8) XOR read_addrgray(8));
emuxcyi: MUXCY_L port map
(DI=>pwr,CI=>pwr, S=>pwr, LO=>ecin);
emuxcy0: MUXCY_L port map
(DI=>gnd,CI=>ecin, S=>ecomp(0),LO=>emuxcyo(0));
emuxcy1: MUXCY_L port map
emuxcy2: MUXCY_L port map
MUXCY_L port map
emuxcy4: MUXCY_L port map
emuxcy5: MUXCY_L port map
emuxcy6: MUXCY_L port map
emuxcy7: MUXCY_L port map
emuxcy8: MUXCY_L port map
aecomp(0) <= NOT (write_addrgray(0) XOR read_nextgray(0));
aecomp(1) <= NOT (write_addrgray(1) XOR read_nextgray(1));
aecomp(2) <= NOT (write_addrgray(2) XOR read_nextgray(2));
aecomp(3) <= NOT (write_addrgray(3) XOR read_nextgray(3));
aecomp(4) <= NOT (write_addrgray(4) XOR read_nextgray(4));
aecomp(5) <= NOT (write_addrgray(5) XOR read_nextgray(5));
aecomp(6) <= NOT (write_addrgray(6) XOR read_nextgray(6));
aecomp(7) <= NOT (write_addrgray(7) XOR read_nextgray(7));
aecomp(8) <= NOT (write_addrgray(8) XOR read_nextgray(8));
aemuxcyi: MUXCY_L port map
(DI=>pwr,CI=>pwr, S=>pwr, LO=>aecin);
aemuxcy0: MUXCY_L port map
(DI=>gnd,CI=>aecin, S=>aecomp(0),LO=>aemuxcyo(0));
aemuxcy1: MUXCY_L port map
aemuxcy2: MUXCY_L port map
aemuxcy3: MUXCY_L port map
aemuxcy4: MUXCY_L port map
aemuxcy5: MUXCY_L port map
aemuxcy6: MUXCY_L port map
aemuxcy7: MUXCY_L port map
aemuxcy8: MUXCY_L port map
fcomp(0) <= NOT (write_addrgray(0) XOR read_lastgray(0));
fcomp(1) <= NOT (write_addrgray(1) XOR read_lastgray(1));
fcomp(2) <= NOT (write_addrgray(2) XOR read_lastgray(2));
fcomp(3) <= NOT (write_addrgray(3) XOR read_lastgray(3));
fcomp(4) <= NOT (write_addrgray(4) XOR read_lastgray(4));
fcomp(5) <= NOT (write_addrgray(5) XOR read_lastgray(5));
fcomp(6) <= NOT (write_addrgray(6) XOR read_lastgray(6));
fcomp(7) <= NOT (write_addrgray(7) XOR read_lastgray(7));
fcomp(8) <= NOT (write_addrgray(8) XOR read_lastgray(8));
fmuxcyi: MUXCY_L port map
(DI=>pwr,CI=>pwr, S=>pwr, LO=>fcin);
fmuxcy0: MUXCY_L port map
(DI=>gnd,CI=>fcin, S=>fcomp(0),LO=>fmuxcyo(0));
fmuxcy1: MUXCY_L port map
fmuxcy2: MUXCY_L port map
fmuxcy3: MUXCY_L port map
fmuxcy4: MUXCY_L port map
fmuxcy5: MUXCY_L port map
fmuxcy6: MUXCY_L port map
fmuxcy7: MUXCY_L port map
fmuxcy8: MUXCY_L port map
afcomp(0) <= NOT (write_nextgray(0) XOR read_lastgray(0));
afcomp(1) <= NOT (write_nextgray(1) XOR read_lastgray(1));
afcomp(2) <= NOT (write_nextgray(2) XOR read_lastgray(2));
afcomp(3) <= NOT (write_nextgray(3) XOR read_lastgray(3));
afcomp(4) <= NOT (write_nextgray(4) XOR read_lastgray(4));
afcomp(5) <= NOT (write_nextgray(5) XOR read_lastgray(5));
afcomp(6) <= NOT (write_nextgray(6) XOR read_lastgray(6));
afcomp(7) <= NOT (write_nextgray(7) XOR read_lastgray(7));
afcomp(8) <= NOT (write_nextgray(8) XOR read_lastgray(8));
afmuxcyi: MUXCY_L port map
(DI=>pwr,CI=>pwr, S=>pwr, LO=>afcin);
afmuxcy0: MUXCY_L port map
(DI=>gnd,CI=>afcin, S=>afcomp(0),LO=>afmuxcyo(0));
afmuxcy1: MUXCY_L port map
afmuxcy2: MUXCY_L port map
afmuxcy3: MUXCY_L port map
afmuxcy4: MUXCY_L port map
afmuxcy5: MUXCY_L port map
afmuxcy6: MUXCY_L port map
afmuxcy7: MUXCY_L port map
afmuxcy8: MUXCY_L port map
END fifoctlr_ic_hdl;
* The following Verilog code implements a 511x8 FIFO in a Spartan-II
* device. The inputs are a Read Clock and Read Enable, a Write Clock
* and Write Enable, Write Data, and a FIFO_gsr signal as an initial
* reset. The outputs are Read Data, Full, Empty, and the FIFOstatus
* outputs, which indicate roughly how full the FIFO is. *
`timescale 1ns / 10ps
`define DATA_WIDTH 7:0
`define ADDR_WIDTH 8:0
module fifoctlr_ic (read_clock_in, write_clock_in, read_enable_in,
write_enable_in, fifo_gsr_in, write_data_in,
read_data_out, fifostatus_out, full_out,
input read_clock_in, write_clock_in;
input read_enable_in, write_enable_in;
input fifo_gsr_in;
input [`DATA_WIDTH] write_data_in;
output [`DATA_WIDTH] read_data_out;
output [4:0] fifostatus_out;
output full_out, empty_out;
wire read_enable = read_enable_in;
wire write_enable = write_enable_in;
wire fifo_gsr = fifo_gsr_in;
wire [`DATA_WIDTH] write_data = write_data_in;
wire [`DATA_WIDTH] read_data;
assign read_data_out = read_data;
reg [4:0] fifostatus;
assign fifostatus_out = fifostatus;
reg full, empty;
assign full_out = full;
assign empty_out = empty;
reg [`ADDR_WIDTH] read_addr, write_addr;
reg [`ADDR_WIDTH] write_addrgray, write_nextgray;
reg [`ADDR_WIDTH] read_addrgray, read_nextgray, read_lastgray;
wire read_allow, write_allow;
wire [`ADDR_WIDTH] ecomp, aecomp, fcomp, afcomp;
wire [`ADDR_WIDTH] emuxcyo, aemuxcyo, fmuxcyo, afmuxcyo;
wire emptyg, almostemptyg, fullg, almostfullg;
wire tempo1, tempo2, tempo3, tempo4;
wire ecin, fcin, aecin, afcin;
wire gnd = 0;
wire pwr = 1;
* Global input clock buffers are instantianted for both the *
* read_clock
and the write_clock, to avoid skew problems. *
BUFGP gclkread (.I(read_clock_in), .O(read_clock));
BUFGP gclkwrite (.I(write_clock_in), .O(write_clock));
* *
* Block RAM instantiation for FIFO. Module is 512x8, of which one
* address location is sacrificed for the overall speed of the design.
* *
RAMB4_S8_S8 bram1 ( .ADDRA(read_addr), .ADDRB(write_addr), .DIB(write_data),
.DIA({gnd, gnd, gnd, gnd, gnd, gnd, gnd, gnd}),
.WEA(gnd), .WEB(write_allow), .CLKA(read_clock),
.CLKB(write_clock), .RSTA(gnd), .RSTB(gnd),
.ENA(read_allow), .ENB(pwr), .DOA(read_data) );
* *
* Empty flag is set on fifo_gsr (initial), or when gray *
* code counters are equal, or when there is one word in *
* the FIFO, and a Read operation is about to be performed. *
* *
always @(posedge read_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
if (FIFO_gsr) empty <= 'b1;
else empty <= (emptyg || (almostemptyg && read_enable && ! empty));
* *
* Full flag is set on FIFO_gsr (initial, but it is cleared *
* on the first valid write_clock edge after FIFO_gsr is *
* de-asserted), or when Gray-code counters are one away *
* from being equal (the Write Gray-code address is equal *
* to the Last Read Gray-code address), or when the Next *
* Write Gray-code address is equal to the Last Read Gray- *
* code address, and a Write operation is about to be *
* performed. *
* *
Always @(posedge write_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
if (FIFO_gsr) full <= 'b1;
else full <= (fullg || (almostfullg && write_enable && ! full));
* *
* Generation of Read address pointers. The primary one is *
* binary (read_addr), and the Gray-code derivatives are *
* generated via pipelining the binary-to-Gray-code result. *
* The initial values are important, so they're in sequence. *
* Grey-code addresses are used so that the registered *
* Full and Empty flags are always clean, and never in an *
* unknown state due to the asynchonous relationship of the *
* Read and Write clocks. In the worst case scenario, Full *
* and Empty would simply stay active one cycle longer, but *
* it would not generate an error or give false values. *
* *
always @(posedge read_clock or posedge fifo_gsr)
if (FIFO_gsr) read_addr <= 'h0;
else if (read_allow) read_addr <= read_addr + 1;
always @(posedge read_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
if (FIFO_gsr) read_nextgray <= 9'b100000000;
else if (read_allow)
read_nextgray <= { read_addr[8], (read_addr[8] ^ read_addr[7]),
(read_addr[7] ^ read_addr[6]), (read_addr[6] ^ read_addr[5]),
(read_addr[5] ^ read_addr[4]), (read_addr[4] ^ read_addr[3]),
(read_addr[3] ^ read_addr[2]), (read_addr[2] ^ read_addr[1]),
(read_addr[1] ^ read_addr[0]) };
always @(posedge read_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
if (FIFO_gsr) read_addrgray <= 9'b100000001;
else if (read_allow) read_addrgray <= read_nextgray;
always @(posedge read_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
if (FIFO_gsr) read_lastgray <= 9'b100000011;
else if (read_allow) read_lastgray <= read_addrgray;
* *
* Generation of Write address pointers. Identical copy of *
* read pointer generation above, except for names. *
* *
Always @(posedge write_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
if (FIFO_gsr) write_addr <= 'h0;
else if (write_allow) write_addr <= write_addr + 1;
always @(posedge write_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
if (FIFO_gsr) write_nextgray <= 9'b100000000;
else if (write_allow)
write_nextgray <= { write_addr[8], (write_addr[8] ^ write_addr[7]),
(write_addr[7] ^ write_addr[6]), (write_addr[6] ^ write_addr[5]),
(write_addr[5] ^ write_addr[4]), (write_addr[4] ^ write_addr[3]),
(write_addr[3] ^ write_addr[2]), (write_addr[2] ^ write_addr[1]),
(write_addr[1] ^ write_addr[0]) };
always @(posedge write_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
if (FIFO_gsr) write_addrgray <= 9'b100000001;
else if (write_allow) write_addrgray <= write_nextgray;
* *
* Generation of FIFOstatus outputs. Used to determine how *
* full FIFO is, based on how far the Write pointer is ahead *
* of the Read pointer. Additional precision can be gained *
* by using additional (top) bits of Gray-code addresses. *
* *
Always @(posedge write_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
// for 0 to 1/4 full (quads equal)
if (FIFO_gsr) fifostatus[0] <= 'b1;
else fifostatus[0] <= (read_addrgray[8:7] == write_addrgray[8:7])
! (fifostatus[3] || fifostatus[4]);
always @(posedge write_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
// for 1 byte to 1/2 full (quad 1 ahead)
if (FIFO_gsr) fifostatus[1] <= 'b0;
else fifostatus[1] <=
((read_addrgray[8:7]=='b00)&&(write_addrgray[8:7]=='b01)) ||
((read_addrgray[8:7]=='b01)&&(write_addrgray[8:7]=='b11)) ||
((read_addrgray[8:7]=='b11)&&(write_addrgray[8:7]=='b10)) ||
always @(posedge write_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
// for 1/4 to 3/4 full (quad 2 ahead)
if (FIFO_gsr) fifostatus[2] <= 'b0;
else fifostatus[2] <=
((read_addrgray[8:7]=='b00)&&(write_addrgray[8:7]=='b11)) ||
((read_addrgray[8:7]=='b01)&&(write_addrgray[8:7]=='b10)) ||
((read_addrgray[8:7]=='b11)&&(write_addrgray[8:7]=='b00)) ||
always @(posedge write_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
// for 1/2 to full (quad 3 ahead)
if (FIFO_gsr) fifostatus[3] <= 'b0;
else fifostatus[3] <=
((read_addrgray[8:7]=='b00)&&(write_addrgray[8:7]=='b10)) ||
((read_addrgray[8:7]=='b01)&&(write_addrgray[8:7]=='b00)) ||
((read_addrgray[8:7]=='b11)&&(write_addrgray[8:7]=='b01)) ||
always @(posedge write_clock or posedge FIFO_gsr)
// for 3/4 to full (quad 4 ahead/equal)
if (FIFO_gsr) fifostatus[4] <= 'b0;
else fifostatus[4] <= (read_addrgray[8:7] == write_addrgray[8:7])
(fifostatus[3] || fifostatus[4]);
* *
* Allow flags determine whether FIFO control logic can *
* operate. If read_enable is driven high, and the FIFO is *
* not Empty, then Reads are allowed. Similarly, if the *
* write_enable signal is high, and the FIFO is not Full, *
* then Writes are allowed. *
* *
assign read_allow = (read_enable && ! empty);
assign write_allow = (write_enable && ! full);
* *
* The four conditions decoded with special carry logic are *
* Empty, AlmostEmpty, Full, and AlmostFull. These are *
* used to determine the next state of the Full/Empty *
* flags. Carry logic is used for optimal speed. *
* *
* When the Write/Read Gray-code addresses are equal, the *
* FIFO is Empty, and emptyg (combinatorial) is asserted. *
* When the Write Gray-code address is equal to the Next *
* Read Gray-code address (1 word in the FIFO), then the *
* FIFO potentially could be going Empty (if read_enable is *
* asserted, which is used in the logic that generates the *
* registered version of Empty). *
* *
* Similarly, when the Write Gray-code address is equal to *
* the Last Read Gray-code address, the FIFO is full. To *
* have utilized the full address space (512 addresses) *
* would have required extra logic to determine Full/Empty *
* on equal addresses, and this would have slowed down the *
* overall performance. Lastly, when the Next Write Gray- *
* code address is equal to the Last Read Gray-code address *
* the FIFO is Almost Full, with only one word left, and *
* it is conditional on write_enable being asserted. *
* *
Assign ecomp[0] = (write_addrgray[0] == read_addrgray[0]);
assign ecomp[1] = (write_addrgray[1] == read_addrgray[1]);
assign ecomp[2] = (write_addrgray[2] == read_addrgray[2]);
assign ecomp[3] = (write_addrgray[3] == read_addrgray[3]);
assign ecomp[4] = (write_addrgray[4] == read_addrgray[4]);
assign ecomp[5] = (write_addrgray[5] == read_addrgray[5]);
assign ecomp[6] = (write_addrgray[6] == read_addrgray[6]);
assign ecomp[7] = (write_addrgray[7] == read_addrgray[7]);
assign ecomp[8] = (write_addrgray[8] == read_addrgray[8]);
MUXCY_L emuxcyi (.DI(pwr), .CI(pwr), .S(pwr), .LO(ecin));
MUXCY_L emuxcy0 (.DI(gnd), .CI(ecin), .S(ecomp[0]), .LO(emuxcyo[0]));
MUXCY_L emuxcy1 (.DI(gnd), .CI(emuxcyo[0]), .S(ecomp[1]), .LO(emuxcyo[1]));
MUXCY_L emuxcy2 (.DI(gnd), .CI(emuxcyo[1]), .S(ecomp[2]), .LO(emuxcyo[2]));
MUXCY_L emuxcy3 (.DI(gnd), .CI(emuxcyo[2]), .S(ecomp[3]), .LO(emuxcyo[3]));
MUXCY_L emuxcy4 (.DI(gnd), .CI(emuxcyo[3]), .S(ecomp[4]), .LO(emuxcyo[4]));
MUXCY_L emuxcy5 (.DI(gnd), .CI(emuxcyo[4]), .S(ecomp[5]), .LO(emuxcyo[5]));
MUXCY_L emuxcy6 (.DI(gnd), .CI(emuxcyo[5]), .S(ecomp[6]), .LO(emuxcyo[6]));
MUXCY_L emuxcy7 (.DI(gnd), .CI(emuxcyo[6]), .S(ecomp[7]), .LO(emuxcyo[7]));
MUXCY_L emuxcy8 (.DI(gnd), .CI(emuxcyo[7]), .S(ecomp[8]), .LO(emptyg));
assign aecomp[0] = (write_addrgray[0] == read_nextgray[0]);
assign aecomp[1] = (write_addrgray[1] == read_nextgray[1]);
assign aecomp[2] = (write_addrgray[2] == read_nextgray[2]);
assign aecomp[3] = (write_addrgray[3] == read_nextgray[3]);
assign aecomp[4] = (write_addrgray[4] == read_nextgray[4]);
assign aecomp[5] = (write_addrgray[5] == read_nextgray[5]);
assign aecomp[6] = (write_addrgray[6] == read_nextgray[6]);
assign aecomp[7] = (write_addrgray[7] == read_nextgray[7]);
assign aecomp[8] = (write_addrgray[8] == read_nextgray[8]);
MUXCY_L aemuxcyi (.DI(pwr), .CI(pwr), .S(pwr), .LO(aecin));
MUXCY_L aemuxcy0 (.DI(gnd), .CI(aecin), .S(aecomp[0]), .LO(aemuxcyo[0]));
MUXCY_L aemuxcy1 (.DI(gnd), .CI(aemuxcyo[0]), .S(aecomp[1]), .LO(aemuxcyo[1]));
MUXCY_L aemuxcy2 (.DI(gnd), .CI(aemuxcyo[1]), .S(aecomp[2]), .LO(aemuxcyo[2]));
MUXCY_L aemuxcy3 (.DI(gnd), .CI(aemuxcyo[2]), .S(aecomp[3]), .LO(aemuxcyo[3]));
MUXCY_L aemuxcy4 (.DI(gnd), .CI(aemuxcyo[3]), .S(aecomp[4]), .LO(aemuxcyo[4]));
MUXCY_L aemuxcy5 (.DI(gnd), .CI(aemuxcyo[4]), .S(aecomp[5]), .LO(aemuxcyo[5]));
MUXCY_L aemuxcy6 (.DI(gnd), .CI(aemuxcyo[5]), .S(aecomp[6]), .LO(aemuxcyo[6]));
MUXCY_L aemuxcy7 (.DI(gnd), .CI(aemuxcyo[6]), .S(aecomp[7]), .LO(aemuxcyo[7]));
MUXCY_L aemuxcy8 (.DI(gnd), .CI(aemuxcyo[7]), .S(aecomp[8]), .LO(almostemptyg));
assign fcomp[0] = (write_addrgray[0] == read_lastgray[0]);
assign fcomp[1] = (write_addrgray[1] == read_lastgray[1]);
assign fcomp[2] = (write_addrgray[2] == read_lastgray[2]);
assign fcomp[3] = (write_addrgray[3] == read_lastgray[3]);
assign fcomp[4] = (write_addrgray[4] == read_lastgray[4]);
assign fcomp[5] = (write_addrgray[5] == read_lastgray[5]);
assign fcomp[6] = (write_addrgray[6] == read_lastgray[6]);
assign fcomp[7] = (write_addrgray[7] == read_lastgray[7]);
assign fcomp[8] = (write_addrgray[8] == read_lastgray[8]);
MUXCY_L fmuxcyi (.DI(pwr), .CI(pwr), .S(pwr), .LO(fcin));
MUXCY_L fmuxcy0 (.DI(gnd), .CI(fcin), .S(fcomp[0]), .LO(fmuxcyo[0]));
MUXCY_L fmuxcy1 (.DI(gnd), .CI(fmuxcyo[0]), .S(fcomp[1]), .LO(fmuxcyo[1]));
MUXCY_L fmuxcy2 (.DI(gnd), .CI(fmuxcyo[1]), .S(fcomp[2]), .LO(fmuxcyo[2]));
MUXCY_L fmuxcy3 (.DI(gnd), .CI(fmuxcyo[2]), .S(fcomp[3]), .LO(fmuxcyo[3]));
MUXCY_L fmuxcy4 (.DI(gnd), .CI(fmuxcyo[3]), .S(fcomp[4]), .LO(fmuxcyo[4]));
MUXCY_L fmuxcy5 (.DI(gnd), .CI(fmuxcyo[4]), .S(fcomp[5]), .LO(fmuxcyo[5]));
MUXCY_L fmuxcy6 (.DI(gnd), .CI(fmuxcyo[5]), .S(fcomp[6]), .LO(fmuxcyo[6]));
MUXCY_L fmuxcy7 (.DI(gnd), .CI(fmuxcyo[6]), .S(fcomp[7]), .LO(fmuxcyo[7]));
MUXCY_L fmuxcy8 (.DI(gnd), .CI(fmuxcyo[7]), .S(fcomp[8]), .LO(fullg));
assign afcomp[0] = (write_nextgray[0] == read_lastgray[0]);
assign afcomp[1] = (write_nextgray[1] == read_lastgray[1]);
assign afcomp[2] = (write_nextgray[2] == read_lastgray[2]);
assign afcomp[3] = (write_nextgray[3] == read_lastgray[3]);
assign afcomp[4] = (write_nextgray[4] == read_lastgray[4]);
assign afcomp[5] = (write_nextgray[5] == read_lastgray[5]);
assign afcomp[6] = (write_nextgray[6] == read_lastgray[6]);
assign afcomp[7] = (write_nextgray[7] == read_lastgray[7]);
assign afcomp[8] = (write_nextgray[8] == read_lastgray[8]);
MUXCY_L afmuxcyi (.DI(pwr), .CI(pwr), .S(pwr), .LO(afcin));
MUXCY_L afmuxcy0 (.DI(gnd), .CI(afcin), .S(afcomp[0]), .LO(afmuxcyo[0]));
MUXCY_L afmuxcy1 (.DI(gnd), .CI(afmuxcyo[0]), .S(afcomp[1]), .LO(afmuxcyo[1]));
MUXCY_L afmuxcy2 (.DI(gnd), .CI(afmuxcyo[1]), .S(afcomp[2]), .LO(afmuxcyo[2]));
MUXCY_L afmuxcy3 (.DI(gnd), .CI(afmuxcyo[2]), .S(afcomp[3]), .LO(afmuxcyo[3]));
MUXCY_L afmuxcy4 (.DI(gnd), .CI(afmuxcyo[3]), .S(afcomp[4]), .LO(afmuxcyo[4]));
MUXCY_L afmuxcy5 (.DI(gnd), .CI(afmuxcyo[4]), .S(afcomp[5]), .LO(afmuxcyo[5]));
MUXCY_L afmuxcy6 (.DI(gnd), .CI(afmuxcyo[5]), .S(afcomp[6]), .LO(afmuxcyo[6]));
MUXCY_L afmuxcy7 (.DI(gnd), .CI(afmuxcyo[6]), .S(afcomp[7]), .LO(afmuxcyo[7]));
MUXCY_L afmuxcy8 (.DI(gnd), .CI(afmuxcyo[7]), .S(afcomp[8]), .LO(almostfullg));
endmodule |