Answers Database
2.1i COREGEN: CORE Generator Web links may not use the Web browser specified during 2.1i installationRecord #6497
Product Family: Software Windows: $XILINX\coregen\preferences\coregen_<username>.prf. UNIX: $XILINX/coregen/preferences/coregen_<username>.prf 1. If you have not started up CORE Generator before, start up COREGen. 2. Create a new project. 3. Exit coregen. 4. A file named 'coregen_<username>.prf should now have been created in the directory, $XILINX/coregen/preferences. 5. Edit the "browser" settting in this file to point to the location of your preferred browser: browser=<path_to_browser_executable> Examples: Windows: browser = c:\\program files\\netscape\\communi- cator\\program\\netscape.exe UNIX: browser = /usr/local/bin/netscape (Note that double backslash path delimiters are required on the PC platform) 6. Exit COREGen and start it up again to make the change take effect. The specified web browser will be used the next time you start up COREGen. End of Record #6497 - Last Modified: 09/28/99 18:58 |
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