Answers Database
Exemplar: How to lock pins in the Spectrum GUI, in the VHDL code, or in a Tcl script.
Record #6899
Product Family: Software
Product Line: Exemplar
Product Part: Leonardo Spectrum
Product Version: 1998.2
Problem Title:
Exemplar: How to lock pins in the Spectrum GUI, in the VHDL code, or in a Tcl script.
Problem Description:
Urgency: Standard
General Description:
I am trying to Lock my I/O down using Exemplar. How do I do this?
Can I do this in my VHDL code? Can I use the GUI?
Solution 1:
Using the Leonardo Spectrum GUI:
1. After doing a 'READ' goto the 'Constraints' Power Tab.
2. Click on the appropriate Input or Output sub-tab.
3. Choose the appropriate Port in the Input/Output Ports window.
4. Fill in the appropriate Pin Location entry. (ie. P14)
5. Click on the 'Apply' button.
Solution 2:
In you VHDL code the following will lock the signal DATA to pin 22:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity d_register is
port (CLK, DATA: in STD_LOGIC;
Q: out STD_LOGIC);
attribute PIN_NUMBER : string;
attribute PIN_NUMBER of DATA: SIGNAL IS "P22";
end d_register;
architecture BEHAV of d_register is
My_D_Reg: process (CLK, DATA)
if (CLK'event and CLK='1') then
Q <= DATA;
end if;
end process; -- End My_D_Reg
end BEHAV;
Solution 3:
In a Tcl script:
After a 'READ' and before 'OPTIMIZE" use the following attribute:
set_attribute -port port_name -name PIN_NUMBER -value pin_number
for example:
set_attribute -port DATA -name PIN_NUMBER -value P22
End of Record #6899 - Last Modified: 06/28/99 10:30 |