Help Resources
Software & Version:
Foundation 1.5i or Alliance 1.5I
Beginning/Intermediate level Xilinx users
or any Xilinx user who has not used all of the help resources that are
Knowledge of Windows 95 or NT. Familiarity
with a web browser such as Netscape Navigator.
What is the level of the material?
Level I - Beginning
Training Duration:
1 hour with exercises, 1/2 hour without exercises.
Content Description:
This module focuses on how to obtain help
in using the Xilinx tools, get design tips and locate application notes,
and contact Xilinx applications engineers for additional support.
After completing this training, student
will be able to:
- Describe the Xilinx self-help strategy
- Describe how to access and search non-internet
resources (help, docs, DataSource)
- Describe how to access and search internet
resources (
- Describe how to contact support personnel
(FAE, phone, email, fax)
- Locate information on CES classes (for
non-classroom delivery methods)
Topics or Training Outline:
- Roadmap of Xilinx self-help strategy
- Printed documents (databook, Libraries
- Documents on CD: using Dynatext
- Using the Online Help system
- DataSource and Weblinx
- (Docsan, Answers Search,
Journals, SW updates)
- Hotline, DFAE