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Z Transform

An important transform used in the analysis of digital filter response and stability.


Zero Bus Turnaround (ZBT) is a synchronous SRAM architecture optimized for networking and telecommunications applications. It can increase the internal bandwidth of a switch fabric when compared to standard SyncBurst SRAM. ZBT SRAMs became the de facto industry standard for these applications when they were introduced, much like Synchronous Burst SRAMs are the industry standard in the PC cache market.

The ZBT architecture is optimized for switching and other applications with highly random READs and WRITEs. ZBT SRAMs eliminate all idle cycles when turning the data bus around from a WRITE operation to a READ operation (or vice versa). This feature results in dramatic performance improvements in systems that have such traffic patterns, i.e., frequent and random read and write access to the SRAM.


Acronym for Zero Bus Turnaround. Type of SRAM that can read or write every clock cycle for 100 percent bus efficiency. Optimized for networking and telecommunications applications.

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