Product Change Notification PCN96004

May 15, 1996

Subject: Change Notification (PCN96004) - A New Wafer Foundry Partner United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), for Xilinx Programmable Logic Products

Products Affected: Initially qualification of this new wafer foundry partner is being done with the XC4000E and XC400EX families of products, with later extension to other product families as warranted by production volumes.

Change Description: Xilinx is establishing a new wafer fabrication partner for the Xilinx Programmable Logic Products. The new wafer fabrication partner is UMC in Taiwan. Initial offerings from this wafer fab will be in the 0.5µm triple layer CMOS process.

Reason For Change: This foundry change is being made to ensure that Xilinx maintains the ability to meet our customer's requirements for speed and availability and to improve our future product roadmaps.

Key Dates: We are trying to provide our customers with as much advanced notice of this change as possible. Qualification of this foundry partner is currently underway. An initial quality audit of this wafer fab was successfully conducted along ISO9000 requirements in November, 1995 with follow-up audits scheduled for July, 1996. Engineering samples of devices fabricated at UMC and final qualification data will be made available according to the schedule below.

Qualification Data:

Samples Qual Data
XC4005E 3Q96 3Q96
XC4010E 3Q96 3Q96
XC4013E 2Q96 3Q96
XC4025E 2Q96 3Q96
XC4036EX 3Q96 4Q96

Traceability: Product manufactured at UMC will carry the designation "M" as the second letter in the product marking code (part of the topside date code marking).

Immediate response to this notification is not required. For any questions regarding this PCN you may contact Xilinx via email at "", or by FAX at (408) 559-1368.

Joseph J. Fabula
Director Q/A

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