Product Change Notification PCN96007

August 9, 1996

Subject: Product Discontinuation Notification (PCN96007) - Discontinuation of the XC8100 Antifuse Product Line

Products Affected: All XC8100 Product Family Members, Including XC8100, XC8101, XC8103, XC8106 and XC8109 in all package options.

Change Description: Xilinx is discontinuing its work on antifuse technology.

Reason For Change: In order to focus on SRAM FPGAs and CPLDs, Xilinx is dropping its efforts on antifuse technology. While we originally felt that the antifuse technology could compete with standard CMOS SRAM, the currently available data says that it cannot. Standard CMOS is two or more generations of technology evolution ahead of the antifuse technology and continues to accelerate. We feel we can best serve our customer's long term interests by putting our technical resources on SRAM based and EPLD products.

Key Dates: While we have inventory of most product members of this family, we recommend that customers develop a plan to find a substitute. The best strategy for new and existing designs is to move to a stable, mainstream alternative device. For example, the Xilinx XC5200 is pin compatible with the XC8100. We will offer our assistance in making conversions.

Please contact your Xilinx sales representative for options to the XC8100. We will continue to support customers who have designed-in products, and who so desire, with the opportunity to enter last time buys in accordance with our corporate agreements.

Immediate response to this notification is not required. Please address any questions you may have to "", or by fax at 408 559 1368.

Joseph J. Fabula
Director Q/A

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