
To enhance PLD designer productivity, Xilinx offers two free, leading edge, Web enabled software products: WebFITTERTM and WebPACKTM ISETM. The WebPOWERED solution now includes the ability to purchase prototype quantities of select CPLD devices along with PLD supporting products (i.e. programming cables) via the web
Software Solutions
Xilinx WebFITTER is a free online design tool. This industry-first, interactive environment gives you the ability to target any Xilinx CPLD device, whether it's our high speed, low cost XC9500 family or our ultra-low power CoolRunner Series. Also, as a convenience to you, we provide JEDEC file creation for popular simple PLDs. Using the WebFITTER is easy, and you obtain all of the necessary design information within minutes. WebFITTER provides the following:
  • Resource and timing reports
  • HDL timing and programming files
  • Instant price quotes
Xilinx also offers a full suite of EDA design, fitting, and programming tools for the desktop, called WebPACK ISE. Whether your design flow includes EDA tools like Synopsys, Synplicity, or Exemplar, or you need a complete design environment that includes ABEL/ HDL synthesis, simulation, fitting technology, and programming software, WebPACK ISE gives you the most flexibility. WebPACK ISE is a collection of free downloadable modules that provides you the best quality of results and flexibility for the XC9500 Series or CoolRunner Series of Xilinx CPLDs.  WebPACK ISE now also includes support for two popular FPGA product lines, the Virtex V300E and the complete Spartan®- II family.  Because WebPACK ISE is offered in small, single file modules that you can either install from the Web or download, you can quickly and reliably run the software within minutes.
Silicon Samples and Supporting Products
The following products are available for purchase via the Xilinx e-commerce store:
See the XC9500/XL CPLD products available at the Xilinx online store
Xilinx XC9500 and XC9500XL CPLD Samples
See the Xilinx Parallel III (JTAG) cable at the Xilinx online store
Xilinx Parallel (JTAG) Download Cables

WebFITTER Xilinx CPLD WebFITTER has broken new ground in evaluating an online silicon solution. By simply selecting the design file and clicking the ‘GO’ button, you are moments away from the industry's best CPLD solution. Whether it's performance, cost, or ease-of-use, WebFITTER has it all.

WebFITTER Features
  • Supports all Xilinx CPLD families
    • XC9500/XL/XV high speed and low cost series 
    • Xilinx CoolRunner XPLA/XPLA2/XPLA3 ultra-low power series.
  • Simple PLD (16V8, 20V8, 22V10, etc...)
  • Accepts the following design formats 
    • VHDL, Verilog, ABEL, EDIF, XNF
    • Competitive conversions for Altera (TDF & TDO) and Vantis (NSR) formats

To use WebFITTER, follow these three simple steps illustrated below. 
Step 1: Select the input design file(s) and optionally define synthesis, fitter, simulation and save options.
Step 2: You select your targeted device by density, package, speed, voltage, or by automatic device selection.
Step 3: Submit your design by clicking Green Go  button. When your design is finished, you receive an e-mail containing a specific URL that links you to the results!
Step 1: Select Input Design File(s)
Step 2 and Step 3: Select Target Family/Device and Go
Even though the flow through the WebFITTER tool is very simple and intuitive, it has the same capability as is found in the downloadable and desktop versions of the tools. We have also added the ability to target a specific version of the CPLD WebFITTER software for maintaining backward versions of designs. We recommend that you process new designs using the latest version of WebFITTER.

WebFITTER provides
  • Links to fitting, timing, and log files
  • Targeted device datasheets
  • Online XC9500 and CoolRunner Series price quotes
  • Simulation and device programming files
  • Online tutorials
  • Complete online Help 
Take me to the WebFITTER page

Xilinx WebPACK ISE
The Xilinx WebPACK ISE contains free downloadable software modules for both CPLDs and FPGAs. Each module provides a simple and intuitive design environment for your target Xilinx PLD family. The WebPACK ISE is a suite of EDA design tools that you can download and use individually or install together for an integrated desktop design environment.

The downloadable software modules include the following: 
Design Entry and Synthesis Tools
For designers that do not currently have EDA design entry tools, Xilinx is pleased to offer the Design Entry and Synthesis Tools module; a complete design entry system that includes Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) for VHDL and Verilog languages and the latest version of ABEL (v7.3) synthesis engines. WebPACK ISE also introduces schematic capture. Alone, schematic capture is useful for graphical instantiation of HDL modules. In conjunction with the CPLD Capture Libraries backPACK module, you can accomplish primitive level logic design and high level logic block integration.

Design Entry and Synthesis Tools
After you download and install this module, the Xilinx Project Navigator will detect if any other WebPACK modules are installed. Once installed, WebPACK ISE modules will provide complete design implementation control within a single project window.
Project Navigator Interface The updated Project Navigator environment included with WebPACK ISE provides a powerful yet simple to use design interface with the following features: 
  • Integrated HDL Editor
  • Expandable Design Processes
  • Third party tools integration
  • Flexible window formatting
Project Navigator's Processes window provides for an intuitive design flow. In addition to synthesis and fitting, the Processes Window allows for automatic launching of the following: 
  • HDL Bencher, a VHDL/Verilog test bench generation tool 
  • Model Technology's ModelSim Xilinx Edition Simulator 
  • ABEL test vector simulation
  • ChipViewer (for XC9500 devices only)
  • FloorPlanner (FPGA devices only)
  • Constraints Editor
  • JTAG Programmer 
Project Navigator's Processes Window

backPACK Tools
A backPACK is an additional module that provides specific functionality to enhance either your CPLD or FPGA designing process. WebPACK ISE has five backPACK modules: 
MXE Starter
Xilinx and Model Technology have teamed together to deliver the ModelSim Xilinx Edition (XE) VHDL/Verilog Simulator to Xilinx customers. ModelSim XE is a complete HDL simulation
environment that has been optimized for programmable logic design, enabling designers to verify source code and functional and timing models of their design using a common "self-checking" testbench.

WebPACK ISE ModelSim XE Simulator includes a complete HDL simulation and debugging environment providing 100% VHDL and Verilog language coverage, a source code viewer/editor, waveform viewer, design structure browser, list window, and a host of other features designed to enhance productivity. This product enables designers who are new to HDL design to experiment with creating HDL designs and test benches. ModelSim XE Simulator has been optimized to use with v3.1i and later design flows which are the basis for WebPACK ISE.

MXE Starter Interface

HDL Bencher 
HDL Bencher is an automatic test bench generator. Launching HDL Bencher from WebPACK ISE automatically imports the current HDL design file. HDL Bencher analyzes the design I/O and creates a default editable stimulus waveform.
Final waveforms can be exported as a VHDL or Verilog testbench file to use in many popular EDA simulators such as ModelSim XE which is also available in WebPACK ISE.
HDL Bencher Waveform

StateCAD StateCAD automates the state machine design process. Using the FSM wizard, you can specify complex state machines to meet tough product requirements. You can then translate the specified state machine to an HDL format to include in your design flow.

XC9500 Series ChipViewer
XC9500 Series ChipViewer (a JavaTM utility) is a pre- and post-fit graphical utility for assigning or viewing pin placement and implemented logic. This tool lists a design's inputs and outputs. 
The I/Os are further identified by function block in the post-fit mode. Pre-fit click and drag pin assignment facilitates design constraint editing while post-fit single click pin highlighting assists in design verification. Function block rats nest viewing illustrates design connectivity. Macrocell views provide an equation level illustration of the implemented logic. XC9500 Series ChipViewer

CPLD Capture Libraries
Xilinx is proud to introduce schematic capture to WebPACK ISE. The basic schematic capture tool is provided in the Design Entry module for HDL designers looking for graphical HDL design capability. The CPLD Capture Libraries are provided as a separate backPACK for those designers who are looking for a more traditional schematic capture tool. Schematic Capture Interface

Device Fitter Tools
The Device Fitter Tools section consists of three downloadable modules.  All or any combination of these modules can be installed into the WebPACK ISE design environment.
XC9500 Fitter Tools
If you currently own a design entry tool such as a third party synthesis or schematic capture package, the XC9500 Device Fitter Tools module provides all the device fitting and verification tools you need to fit your design into any of the Xilinx XC9500 Series CPLDs. 
The XC9500 Device Fitter Tools module is identical to the Alliance Series v3.1i software currently available from Xilinx, except that it is specific to the XC9500 CPLD families. This free downloadable module will accept either EDIF or XNF netlists and provide you with a JEDEC programming file and timing simulation netlist.
Constraints Editor Interface
Constraints Editor Interface
LogiBLOX Module Selector Interface
LogiBLOX Module Selector Interface
Included Features 
  • Push-button implementation flows
  • Timing driven fitting technology 
  • Fitting and timing reports
  • Internet enabled online Help 
  • LogiBLOX module synthesis
  • Xilinx Constraints Editor 
  • Interactive Timing Analyzer
  • HDL Simprims libraries for third party HDL simulation 
Timing Report 
Timing Report

CoolRunner Fitter Tools
The CoolRunner Fitter module when used in conjunction with the Design Entry and Synthesis module provides a free and complete design environment for the entire CoolRunner series CPLD product line. The CoolRunner Fitter module, under control of the Project Navigator user interface, accepts design netlists prepared using any of the supported third-party Xilinx Alliance EDA vendors. VHDL, Verilog HDL or ABEL language designs can also be created for the CoolRunner device families using the Project Navigator design environment available in the WebPACK ISE Design Entry and Synthesis module. 
Project Navigator Interface

FPGA Fitter Tools
The FPGA Fitter module is useful in configuring WebPACK ISE to support the Virtex V300E and complete line of Spartan-II devices.   WebPACK ISE provides the following functionality for FPGA devices:
- Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) HDL Synthesis

- Timing and I/O constraint editing

- Integration with 3rd party tools such as ModelSim, HDL Bencher, and StateCAD.

- Multi Pass Place and routing

- Design Floorplanning

Device Programmer Tools
The Device Programmer Tools section contains two specific software programming modules: 
JTAG Programmer (XC9500, FPGAs, and PROMs)
XPLA Programmer (XPLA/E, XPLA 2, and XPLA 3)

JTAG Programmer
The JTAG Programmer software contains all the software you need to perform IEEE 1149.1 JTAG operations for all Xilinx XC9500 series CPLDs, JTAG-supported Xilinx FPGAs, and Xilinx 1800 Series PROMs. You can run JTAG Programmer as a standalone programming tool or invoke it from within either the WebPACK ISE Project Navigator (CPLD Design Entry and Synthesis Tools module) or from within the Xilinx Design Manager (XC9500 Device Fitter Tools module). Even if you are not a CPLD designer, the Device Programming Tools module allows you to get the latest updates for FPGA device programming!
JTAG Programmer Interface
XPLA Programmer
The XPLA Programmer (v4.09) contains the latest ISP device programming software for Xilinx CoolRunner CPLDs, including the new XPLA 3 family. 
Included Features
  • Non-CoolRunner CPLD support 
  • ATE automatic vector generation including SVF
  • Automatic programming cable detection for the following download cables:
    • CoolRunner 
    • Xilinx JTAG 
    • Altera Byte-Blaster 
XPLA Programmer

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