What's New in WebPACK ISE 
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Based on the new Foundation ISE (Integrated Synthesis Environment) product, WebPACK ISE is the latest WebPACK product to be released. Foundation ISE reflects the integration of FPGA Express and Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) in the same software tool. WebPACK ISE does not have the FPGA Express synthesis tool, but it does contain the updated design environment which tightly integrates all aspects of the PLD design flow. WebPACK users may notice many similarities between WebPACK and WebPACK ISE. Some of the more subtle differences are explained in the following sections.
Tools Process Properties
Device Support GUI
Design Flows Menu Variations

WebPACK ISE introduces three new tools as well as updates to several existing design tools. Two new tools provided by Visual Software Solutions (VSS) are HDL Bencher and StateCAD. Making an appearance in WebPACK ISE for the first time is an HDL graphical entry program. When combined with the CPLD schematic libraries backPACK module, the HDL graphical entry program may be used for schematic entry as well. More in-depth information on the new tools and tool upgrades included with WebPACK ISE follows: 
  • HDL Bencher is an automatic test bench generator. Launching HDL Bencher from WebPACK ISE automatically imports the current HDL design file. HDL Bencher analyzes the design I/O and creates a default editable stimulus waveform. Final waveforms can be exported as a VHDL or Verilog testbench file to use in many popular EDA simulators such as ModelSim XE which is also available in WebPACK ISE.
  • StateCAD automates the state machine design process in the following ways. 
    • Automatically analyzes for common design problems such as stuck-at-state, conflicting state assignment, and indeterminate conditions. Its automated error analysis insures designs are logically consistent which reduces the simulation requirements and improves product reliability. 
    • Automatically produces HDL code for synthesis and simulation that eliminates manual translation efforts and coding errors. StateCAD simplifies complex state machine design allowing you to achieve peak hardware performance with less effort than in the past.
  • HDL graphical entry allows high level block construction of HDL modules. When combined with the CPLD schematic libraries backPACK module, schematic entry based designs may also be created.
  • ModelSim Xilinx Edition (MXE) starter simulator has been updated to 5.3d. MXE is integrated in the Project Navigator environment so that a HDL testbench and the desired options may be seamlessly simulated.
  • WebPACK ISE also includes an update to ABEL synthesis. Designers now have a choice between the traditional ABEL-Blif flow and the new ABEL-XST flow. ABEL-XST synthesis provides similar results to the original Blif-based ABEL synthesis flow without requiring ABEL users to modify their source code. ABEL-XST synthesis leverages the same powerful synthesis technology available to Verilog and VHDL designers. 

Device Support
WebPACK ISE contains the same devices that were in WebPACK as well as support for the original and enhanced CoolRunner families.  WebPACK ISE version 3.2WP3.0 also incorporates support for FPGA families as well.  The chart below lists the devices supported in WebPACK ISE. 
Xilinx FPGA Families
Spartan®-II XC2S15, XC2S30, XC2S50, XC2S100, XC2S150, XC2S200
Virtex XCV300E
Xilinx  9500 Families
XC9500 Family 
(5 Volt)
XC9536, XC9572, XC95108, XC95144, XC95216, XC95288
XC9500XL Family (3.3 Volt) XC9536XL, XC9572XL, XC95144XL, XC95288XL
XC9500XV Family (2.5 Volt) XC9536XV, XC9572XV, XC95144XV, XC95288XV
Xilinx CoolRunner Families
Simple PLDs XCR22V10 (5V), XCR22LV10 (3.3V)
XCR5000 Family (5 Volt) 
XPLA 1 original and enhanced
XCR5032, XCR5032C, XCR5064, XCR5064C, XCR5128, XCR5128C
XCR3000 Family (3.3 Volt) 
XPLA 1 original and enhanced
XCR3032, XCR3032A, XCR3064, XCR3064A, XCR3128, XCR3128A
XCR3000XL Family (3.3Volt) 
XCR3032XL, XCR3064XL, XCR3128XL, XCR3256XL
(SRAM based - 3.3V)
XCR3320, XCR3960

Design Flows
WebPACK ISE has a slightly different approach to how a design is created, synthesized and implemented. This difference is to make all the processes applicable to a design regardless of its position in a design hierarchy. In WebPACK, synthesis and syntax checking were the only processes associated with the actual HDL design. In WebPACK ISE, synthesis and syntax checking are still associated with a design and with fitting, design constraints editing, and third party tools operations. These design functions are associated with the selected design and all lower level design modules.  This allows true hierarchical design development.

Figure 1. Merged processes for a design source from 

Process Properties
WebPACK users will find that some of the process properties have been updated in WebPACK ISE.  These updates bring CoolRunner and 9500 CPLD devices more in line with other Xilinx devices allowing for easy migration through all Xilinx families. The table below lists the WebPACK ISE process and property as compared to the WebPACK value. These changes reflect changes when a CoolRunner device is selected. 
WebPACK Value
(Applicable for
devices only)
Use Design Location Constraints Pin Pre-assignment handling
Output slew rate Use slow slew rate
Default Register Initial State Power up all registers to high
Pull Up Unused I/O Pins Set unused pins to tristate
Collapsing Pterm limit (3-48) Max P-Term per equation (3-37)
Collapsing input limit (20-36) Max Fanin per equation (4-40)
Block Input Limit (36-40) Max Block fan-ins (4-40)
Timing Simulation
Output File Format Timing Model output type

One process property that has changed for both the 9500 and XCR families is how an external EDIF file is imported for fitting. During the project creation, or afterwards, External Netlist must be selected in the Project Properties dialog box (see Figure 2). 

Figure 2. Project Properties Dialog box visible during 
New Project creation or when Device Properties are selected

Figure 2 shows the ISE synthesis flow selection options. It is important to note that the proper flow, based on the HDL design language, must be selected in order for any processes to be enabled in the WebPACK ISE process window. For example, if XST VHDL is selected, yet the design is a Verilog or ABEL design, no processes will be available. The process window will provide some indication by asking the designer to select the proper synthesis tool as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Invalid Synthesis tool selected based on 
HDL design language used in the current project

WebPACK ISE has more shortcuts available from the menu bar compared to the original WebPACK. A brief explanation of the various buttons and their functionality and the differences between WebPACK and WebPACK ISE follows. 

From left to right: 
New File - differs from WebPACK which was New Project
Open File - differs from WebPACK which was Open Project
Save File - differs from WebPACK which was Save Project
Save All - new GUI button to save everything associated with the open project 

New Source -creates a new source 
Open Source - opens a browser window to find a desire source 
Edit Source Properties - (grayed out) if there are properties available with a source, allows these to be edited. This button is analogous to right mouse clicking. 

Run Process - runs the process highlighted 
Re-run Process - re-runs from scratch the highlighted process 
Stop Process - stops the currently running process 
Edit Process Properties - if there are properties available with a process, allows these to be edited. This button is analogous to right mouse clicking. 
New to WebPACK ISE workspace control
Toggle WorkSpace Window -  used to quickly expand and contract Workspace window 
Toggle Transcript Window -  used to quickly expand and contract Transcript window 
Minimize All - similar to WebPACK, minimizes the entire WebPACK ISE window 

About - provides information about Project Navigator. 
Help - provides help about a selected site
Cut - standard windows functionality to cut selected text to the clipboard 
Copy - standard windows functionality to copy selected text to the clipboard 
Paste - standard windows functionality to paste selected text from the clipboard 

Undo - standard windows functionality to undo the last action 
Redo - standard windows functionality to redo the last action 
New to WebPACK ISE text searches
Find in Open Files - find text given in the text box to the right 
Text Box with drop down - allows editing of text with a drop down listing of recent search queries. 

New to WebPACK ISE Bookmark operations
Toggle Bookmark - insert a bookmark to mark a location in file for easy future reference 
Next Bookmark - navigate to the next bookmark available 
Previous Bookmark - navigate to the previous bookmark set 
Clear All Bookmarks - deletes all bookmarks

Language Templates - Language templates are new to WebPACK ISE. These templates are examples of commonly used code fragments written in either ABEL, Verilog or VHDL. These may be quickly amended for a designer's specific purpose.

Menu Variations
Compared to WebPACK, WebPACK ISE makes a definite distinction between File operations and Project operations. There are now expanded menu choices available which now include menu options for Files as well as menu options available for Projects. Some of the changes in the menus as well as the new features included follow:
  • File 

  • The Project operations such as new project, open project, save project, and close project are still listed in the file menu. WebPACK ISE now has common file operations including new file, open file, save file, and file save as. It also includes a save all operation along with quick selections for recent files and recent projects.
  • Edit 

  • The Edit menu is new to WebPACK ISE. This contains many window type operations that a user would associate with an Edit menu such as cut, copy, paste, undo, file navigation, and project preferences. 
  • View 

  • The View menu allows the designer to select and customize the way WebPACK ISE looks for increased productivity. Compared to WebPACK, this menu has been expanded in order to accommodate the many upgrades that have occurred to the Project Navigator environment. 
  • Project 

  • The Project menu is new to WebPACK ISE. The Project menu provides the options to create a new source file, open an existing source file, and delete data associated with the project as well. Also, under the Project menu and new to WebPACK ISE, is WebPACK ISE's functionality to archive and take project snapshots. Selecting Archive will save the entire project as a compressed file. A snapshot saves the status of the project as it is at that moment in time. 
  • Source 

  • The Source menu allows sources to be opened, closed, removed, and renamed. Many of the original WebPACK source functionalities have been moved under the project window. 
  • Process 

  • The Process menu provides the options available with the various processes listed in the process window. 
  • Macro 

  • The Macro menu is new to WebPACK ISE. A macro is a series of HDL Editor commands that can be recorded and played back. The Macro menu contains commands to run command macros in the HDL Editor. 
  • Window 

  • The Window menu is another new menu option available in WebPACK ISE. The Window menu provides control over another instance of an HDL Editor window and allows you to choose how the windows in the HDL Editor workspace are displayed. 
  • Help 

  • The Help menu functionality has been increased with online links to WebPACK ISE manuals as well as other Web-based tools.

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