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System Solutions : Xilinx At Work : USB 2.0 Reference Design

USB 2.0 Reference Design
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Kawasaki LSI, Mentor Graphics and Xilinx have partnered and  developed the industry's first UTMI-compliant USB 2.0  upgradeable reference design. The reference design provides a USB 2.0 to SCSI technology bridge, and can be used to provide end-to-end high-bandwidth data storage.

This solution can be utilized to provide a USB 2.0 bridge to any SCSI device including hard disk drives, CD writers, DVD ROMs, etc. for home networking applications. The design also provides a flexible and upgradeable USB 2.0 technology bridge to multiple home networking standards such as HomePNA, HomePlug, HomeRF, IEEE 1394, IEEE 802.11b, etc. 


  • USB 2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interface (UTMI) compliant Physical layer by Kawasaki LSI
  • High-speed (480Mbps) USB 2.0 functionality
  • Mentor Graphics MUSBHSFC Fully Synthesizable Core Optimized for low-cost Spartan-II FPGAs
  • Backward compatible with full-speed USB 1.1
  • Future-proof, reprogrammable SiE
  • Low-cost home networking solution
Click here for documentation on this reference design. Ordering and additional information is available by registration.

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