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Marconi + Celoxica + Xilinx MMT 2000 Description
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Demonstration Overview

Functional Block DiagramThe MMT 2000 is a reconfigurable Internet access device based solely on an architecture of Virtex FPGAs. It is the result of a collaborative project between Marconi plc, Celoxica and Xilinx. The demonstration applications have been chosen to complement the Marconi Voice over IP (VoIP) strategy. These applications are written in Handel-C and highlight the power of this design methodology in targeting flexible logic.
  • Can download new hardware functionality via the Internet
  • TCP/IP with no microprocessor
  • Short development cycle
  • Full MP3 decoding at only 8 MHz bclock rate
  • Low latency Voice over IP 

Technology Overview

Internet Access Devices require full flexibility in order to evolve with changing standards and as new applications are identified. This technology demonstrator uses Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), allowing the creation of 'soft' hardware that results in none of the overheads of the microprocessor or operating systems to support applications. This form of hardware can be totally reconfigured online by software download to provide enhancements, bug fixes, or a total change of function throughout the development and operational lifetime of the product.

Combining this with the high level of abstraction, efficiency and universal capability of writing applications in software gives a powerful new computing platform..


Handel-C is a CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) design environment, which enables application designers to target directly a Virtex FPGA, without recourse to hardware description languages.

Handel-C technology is available from Celoxica Ltd. For more information go to www.celoxica.com.

MMT2000 Capability 

Applications: IP phone designed to H323 FastStart subset including H225 and Q931, short code IP addressing, set-up screen.
Reconfigurable as: - MP3 player - Games console - Graphics display. 
Platform: 'C' software programmable FPGA, remote download. Soft key touch screen high resolution color LCD, 10M Ethernet (DIX), TCP/IP stack UDP/RTP compiled in FPGA. Stereo audio 2+2w, Headset socket, Parallel interface, serial port, mains powered.


Possible Future enhancements

Applications (downloadable): Browser/e-mail, SIP (Session Invitation Protocol), Streaming Audio/Video. Support for CODECs G.723.1, G729a, G.726 or G.728. MGCP and H.248 (H.GCP). Standard IP access support with full user id, password, DHCP/TFTP protocol for automatic IP configuration, Calendar, user friendly online help via a soft configurable touch screen. Speech recognition.
Platform: Bluetooth wireless interface, USB, 100M Ethernet.
Other form factors and styles can be easily introduced as the 'code' is fully portable to all sizes and sources of FPGA. All applications are Internet reconfigurable with an open applications interface.

MMT2000 Frequently Asked Questions

How big is the TCP/IP stack?
About 48% of an XCV1000 (of which - 13% is on chip ram built from CLBs, 8% could be moved off chip, 5% could be moved into block rams).

How fast does the TCP/IP stack run?
It was designed for 10 Mbit Ethernet, however we are confident the design is capable of fully loading a 100 Mbit Ethernet with some tweaking.

How many simultaneous connections can the TCP/IP handle?
It was designed to handle a one TCP connection and two UDP channels simultaneously.

How big is the MP3 decoder?
About 50% of an XCV1000, and clocks at only 8 MHz because it is able to perform so many stages of the decoding in parallel.

How much power does the MMT take?
The supply is rated at 2.5 Amps at 12 Volts, however most of this is for the LCD display.

How big are the bit files you download?
About 750 Kbytes.

Why not use a $5 microprocessor?
The MMT2000 is a proof of concept device, we did it in FPGAs to show how powerful the combination of Handel-C and FPGAs are, particularly as it compares what can be done with VHDL (Verilog). 

Can I download MP3 files from the internet?
Not in their present form, but with some more work - yes.

Are you going to make this into a product? 
Not in its present form, but we are working on similar product areas.

Can I have/buy one?
We have a limited number of prototypes which are used for demonstration purposes only. If you would like to see a demonstration of the MMT 2000, please contact sales@celoxica.com

About Celoxica

Celoxica is dedicated to providing technology that will enable increased profitability and the reduction of risk in bringing new electronic products to market. Its technology enables product specialists to perform hardware design in a fraction of the time required by traditional methods. 

Celoxica was founded under the name Embedded Solutions Limited, in 1996 by Isis Innovation Limited, the Oxford University technology transfer organization that manages the formation of new spin-off companies leveraging its intellectual property. The company has 90 staff with offices in Abingdon and London, UK and Silicon Valley, California.

About Marconi plc

Marconi plc is a global communications and IT company with around 49,000 employees worldwide and sales in over 100 countries. It supplies advanced communications solutions and the key technologies and services for the Internet. Marconi plc is listed on the LSE(MONI) and NASDAQ(MONI). 
Additional information about Marconi plc can be found at www.marconi.com
For more information contact Stuart Barratt via e.mail - stuart.barratt@marconi.com

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