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Xilinx at Work: Video Capture/Editing

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Xilinx Solution Summary

Xilinx provides significant value in a video capture and editing system when used to interface various ASSPs together, resolving differences in their interface control signals. The functions typically performed will be in the areas of DMA control, interface controls to the buffer memory, data buffering, or the control port interface to the host computer.

When the host computer interface is a bus standard such as PCI or USB, Xilinx or its AllianceCORE partners have cores available for integration in the Xilinx solution.

The Xilinx products most likely to provide a cost-effective solution for this type of product would be the SpartanXL FPGA or XC9500XL CPLD devices as well as the LogiCORE PCI32 core.

Video Capture/Editing Block Diagram
(Click on a burgundy box for next level of detail or click on the link below)
Video Capture/Editing Block DiagramSystem Glue DiagramSystem Glue Diagram

Video System Glue Block Diagram

Video Capture/Editing Market Overview

What can be done with video graphics today is amazing. What was once the realm of only the very special studio artists is now available to the average person. Today we can create digital video movies to share with others on the web, to sell products, to educate, or for any reason using your desk top computer and a simple add-in card. The uses are limited only by the user's imagination and creativity.

As more marketing communications groups and individuals find and use these new tools the industry will continue to grow and evolve. This growth will create a need to provide even more performance and features at even lower prices. This market will use compression standards ranging from no compression to MPEG-2 today to more advanced standards as they become cost effective.

Xilinx has a wide range of solutions for products in these applications combined.


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