Program defines the Accept
member function for the StackAsArray class.
As discussed in Chapter
the purpose of the Accept member function of a container,
is to accept a visitor,
and cause it to visit one-by-one all of the contained objects.
Program: StackAsArray Class Accept Member Function Definition
In the array implementation of the stack,
the elements contained in the container occupy positions
0, 1, ..., of the array.
The body of the Accept function is simply a loop
which calls the Visit function for each object in the stack.
The running time of the Accept function depends on
the running time of the function Visit.
be the running time of the function Visit.
In addition to the time for the function call,
each iteration of the loop incurs a constant overhead.
the total running time for Accept is
where n is the number of objects in the container.
And if
, the total running time is to O(n).