In this section we consider hashing in the context
of the object hierarchy defined in Chapter .
The abstract base class called Object
which was defined in Section
has a const virtual member function called Hash
which was declared as follows:
class Object { ... virtual HashValue Hash () const = 0; ... };The idea is that every object instance of a class which is derived from the class Object has an associated member function called Hash which hashes that object to produce an integer HashValue. For example, given a reference to an object, Object& obj, the following computation
HashValue x = obj.Hash ();sets the variable x to the value returned by the Hash function associated with the object to which obj refers.
A Wrapper class template was declared
in Section
which is used to wrap instances of the C++ built-in data types
within an Object abstract interface.
Using the Wrapper template,
the four classes Char, Int, Double, and String
were declared as follows:
typedef Wrapper<char> Char; typedef Wrapper<int> Int; typedef Wrapper<double> Double; typedef Wrapper<string> String;Since these classes are meant to be concrete classes, they must provide implementations for all of the member functions including the Hash function.
Program: Wrapper<T> Class Hash Member Function Definition
Program gives the definition of the
Hash member function of the Wrapper<T> class.
The implementation simply calls the appropriate hashing function
from those given in Programs
For example the Wrapper<int>::Hash function calls Hash(int) and
the Wrapper<string>::Hash function calls Hash(string).