Logo Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
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  1. Devise an algorithm to compute the height of a tree. Write an implementation of your algorithm as the Height member function of the abstract class Tree declared in Program gif.
  2. Devise an algorithm to count the number of internal nodes in a tree. Write an implementation of your algorithm as the Count member function of the abstract class Tree declared in Program gif.
  3. Devise an algorithm to count the number of leaves in a tree. Write an implementation of your algorithm as a member function of the abstract class Tree declared in Program gif.
  4. Devise an abstract (generic) algorithm to compare trees. (See Exercise gif). Write an implementation of your algorithm as the CompareTo member function of the abstract class Tree declared in Program gif.
  5. The Tree::Iter class defined in Programs gif, gif and gif does a preorder traversal of a tree.
    1. Write an iterator class that does a postorder traversal.
    2. Write an iterator class that does a breadth-first traversal.
    3. Write an iterator class that does an inorder traversal. (In this case, assume that the tree is a BinaryTree).
  6.   Complete the GeneralTree class declared in Program gif by providing suitable definitions for the following member functions: IsEmpty, IsLeaf, Degree and CompareTo. Write a test program and test your implementation.
  7. Complete the NaryTree class declared in Program gif by providing suitable definitions for the following member functions: NaryTree (destructor), Purge, IsLeaf, Degree and CompareTo. Write a test program and test your implementation.
  8.   Complete the BinaryTree class declared in Program gif by providing suitable definitions for the following member functions: IsEmpty, IsLeaf, Degree, Key, AttachKey, DetachKey, Left, AttachLeft, DetachLeft, Right, AttachRight, DetachRight and Subtree. Write a test program and test your implementation.
  9. Write a visitor that draws a picture of a tree on the screen.
  10. Design and implement an algorithm that constructs an expression tree from an infix expression such as


    Hint: See Project gif.

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