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Implementing Sets


Figure: Object Class Hierarchy

As discussed above, this chapter addresses the implementation of sets of integers. A set is a collection of elements. Naturally, we want to insert and withdraw objects from the collection and to test whether a given object is a member of the collection. Therefore, we consider sets as being derived from the SearchableContainer class defined in Chapter gif.

In general, a searchable container can hold arbitrary objects. However, in this chapter we will assume that the elements of a set are integers. Furthermore, all the searchable container implementations which we have seen so far have been based on two assumptions. These are that the container owns the objects it contains and that indirect storage is used, i.e., a pointer to the contained object is actually held by the container. Since we deal with integers and not with arbitrary objects, the set implementations in this chapter invalidate both these assumptions.

Program gif defines the abstract class Set. The Set class is derived from SearchableContainer which is defined in Section gif. The definition does not declare any new member functions--the interface inherited from the base class is sufficient. In addition, a new type called Set::Element is defined.

Program: Set Class Definition

The items contained in a set are unsigned integers. However, the member functions of the base class interface such as Insert, IsMember, and Withdraw, expect their arguments to be derived from the class Object. Therefore, the Wrapper template (defined in Section gif) is used to define the type Set::Element as the encapsulation of an unsigned int. We assume that the only Object instances which are passed to a set are instances of the class Set::Element.

The default constructor for the Set class is also given in Program gif. It takes a single argument, tex2html_wrap_inline67266, which specifies that the universal set shall be tex2html_wrap_inline67264.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.