Logo Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
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  1. Consider the greedy strategy for counting out change given in Section gif. Let tex2html_wrap_inline68427 be the set of available denominations. E.g., the set tex2html_wrap_inline69599 represents the denominations of the commonly circulated Canadian coins. What condition(s) must the set of denominations satisfy to ensure the greedy algorithm always finds an optimal solution?
  2. Devise a greedy algorithm to solve optimally the scales balancing problem described in Section gif.
    1. Does your algorithm always find the optimal solution?
    2. What is the running time of your algorithm?
  3. Consider the following 0/1-knapsack problem:

    i tex2html_wrap_inline68467 tex2html_wrap_inline58415
    1 10 10
    2 6 6
    3 3 4
    4 8 9
    5 1 3

    1. Solve the problem using the greedy by profit, greedy by weight and greedy by profit density strategies.
    2. What is the optimal solution?
  4.   Consider the breadth-first solver shown in Program gif. Suppose we replace the queue (line 3) with a priority queue.
    1. How should the solutions in the priority queue be prioritized?
    2. What possible benefit might there be from using a priority queue rather than a FIFO queue?
  5.   Repeat Exercise gif, but this time consider what happens if we replace the queue with a LIFO stack.
  6. Repeat Exercises gif and gif, but this time consider a branch-and-bound breadth-first solver.
  7.   (This question should be attempted after reading Chapter gif). For some problems the solution space is more naturally a graph rather than a tree.
    1. What problem arises if we use the DepthFirstSolver given in Program gif to explore a search space that is not a tree.
    2. Modify the DepthFirstSolver so that it explores a solution space that is not a tree. Hint: See Program gif.
    3. What problem arises if we use the BreadthFirstSolver given in Program gif to explore a search space that is not a tree.
    4. Modify the BreadthFirstSolver so that it explores a solution space that is not a tree. Hint: See Program gif.
  8.   Devise a backtracking algorithm to solve the N-queens problem : Given an tex2html_wrap_inline69613 chess board, find a way to place N queens on the board in such a way that no queen can take another.
  9. Consider a binary search tree that contains n keys, tex2html_wrap_inline64392, tex2html_wrap_inline64394, ..., tex2html_wrap_inline69623, at depths tex2html_wrap_inline66516, tex2html_wrap_inline66518, ..., tex2html_wrap_inline69629, respectively. Suppose the tree will be subjected to a large number of Find operations. Let tex2html_wrap_inline58415 be the probability that we access key tex2html_wrap_inline64406. Suppose we know a priori all the access probabilities. Then we can say that the optimal binary search tree  is the tree which minimizes the quantity


    1. Devise a dynamic programming algorithm that, given the access probabilities, determines the optimal binary search tree.
    2. What is the running time of your algorithm?

    Hint: Let tex2html_wrap_inline68911 be the cost of the optimal binary search tree that contains the set of keys tex2html_wrap_inline69637 where tex2html_wrap_inline69639. Show that


  10. Consider the typesetting problem discussed in Section gif. The objective is to determine how to break a given sequence of words into lines of text of the appropriate size. This was done either by stretching or compressing the space between the words. Explain why the greedy strategy always finds the optimal solution if we stretch but do not compress the space between words.
  11. Consider two complex numbers, a+bi and c+di. Show that we can compute the product (ac-bd)+(ad+bc)i with only three multiplications.
  12. Devise a divide-and-conquer strategy to find the root of a polynomial. E.g., given a polynomial such as tex2html_wrap_inline69647, and an interval [u,v], such that tex2html_wrap_inline69651 such that tex2html_wrap_inline69653, tex2html_wrap_inline69655 and tex2html_wrap_inline69657, tex2html_wrap_inline69659, find r.
  13. Devise an algorithm to compute a normally distributed random variable. A normal distribution is complete defined by its mean and standard deviation. The probability density function for a normal distribution is


    where tex2html_wrap_inline69431 is the mean and tex2html_wrap_inline69665 is the standard deviation of the distribution. Hint: Consider the central limit theorem .

  14. Devise an algorithm to compute a geometrically distributed random variable. A geometrically distributed random variable is an integer in the interval tex2html_wrap_inline69667 given by the probability density function


    where tex2html_wrap_inline69669 is the mean of the distribution.

    Hint: Use the fact tex2html_wrap_inline69671, where Z is an exponentially distributed random variable with mean tex2html_wrap_inline69675.

  15. Do Exercise gif.

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