In this example we consider the problem of computing a
geometric series summation
for the last time.
We have already seen two algorithms to compute this summation
in Sections and
An algorithm to compute a geometric series summation
using the closed-form expression (Equation )
is given in Program
This algorithm makes use of Program
to compute
Program: Program to compute using the closed-form expression
To determine the average running time of Program
we will make use of Equation
which gives the average running time for the Power function
which is called on line 5.
In this case, the arguments are x and n+1,
so the running time of the call to Power is
Adding to this the additional work done on line 5 gives
the average running time for Program
The running times of the three programs
which compute the geometric series summation
presented in this chapter are tabulated below
in Table
and are plotted for
in Figure
shows that,
according to our simplified model of the computer,
for n<4, Program
has the best running time.
However as n increases,
is clearly the fastest of the three
and Program
is the slowest for all values of n.
Figure: Plot of Running Time vs. n for Programs ,