Logo Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
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To prepend  an element to a linked list is to insert that element in front of the first element of the list. The prepended list element becomes the new head of the list. Program gif gives the algorithm for the Prepend member function of the LinkedList<T> class.

Program: LinkedList<T> Class Prepend Function Definition

The Prepend function first allocates a new ListElement<T>. Its datum field is initialized with the value to be prepended to the list, item; and the next field is made to point to the first element of the existing list by initializing it with the value of the current head pointer. If the list is initially empty, both head and tail are made to point at the new element. Otherwise, just head needs to be updated.

Note, operator new calls the constructor for objects of class ListElement<T>. In Section gif the running time of the constructor was determined to be tex2html_wrap_inline61025. And since the body of the Prepend function adds only a constant amount of work, the running time of the Prepend function is also tex2html_wrap_inline61025. If T is one of the built-in types, then its copy constructor does a constant amount of work, and the running time of Prepend simplifies to O(1).

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.