Data Structures and Algorithms
with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
In the previous section,
we found the function, ,
which gives the running time of Program
as a function both of number of inputs, n,
and of the actual input values.
Suppose instead we are interested in a function
which gives the running time on average
for n inputs, regardless of the values of those inputs.
In other words, if we run Program
a large number of times on a selection of random inputs of length n,
what will the average running time be?
We can write the sum of the running times given in Table
in the following form
where is the probability that line 8 of the program is executed.
The probability
is given by
That is, is the probability that the
array entry,
is larger than the maximum of all the preceding array entries,
In order to determine ,
we need to know (or to assume)
something about the distribution of input values.
For example, if we know a priori that the array passed to the method
FindMaximum is ordered from smallest to largest,
then we know that
Conversely, if we know that the array is ordered from largest to smallest,
then we know that
In the general case, we have no a priori knowledge of the
distribution of the values in the input array.
In this case, consider the iteration of the loop.
In this iteration
is compared with the maximum of the i values,
preceding it in the array.
Line 6 of Program
is only executed if
is the largest
of the i+1 values
All things being equal,
we can say that this will happen with probability 1/(i+1).
Substituting this expression for in Equation
and simplifying the result we get
where ,
is the
harmonic number .