Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#
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Connectedness of a Directed Graph

When dealing with directed graphs, we define two kinds of connectedness, strong and weak. Strong connectedness of a directed graph is defined as follows:

Definition (Strong Connectedness of a Directed Graph)   A directed graph tex2html_wrap_inline70252 is strongly connected   if there is a path in G between every pair of vertices in tex2html_wrap_inline70254.

For example, Figure gif shows the directed graph tex2html_wrap_inline71028 given by


Notice that the graph tex2html_wrap_inline71030 is not connected! For example, there is no path from any of the vertices in tex2html_wrap_inline71032 to any of the vertices in tex2html_wrap_inline66281. Nevertheless, the graph ``looks'' connected in the sense that it is not made of up of separate parts in the way that the graph tex2html_wrap_inline71004 in Figure gif is.

This idea of ``looking'' connected is what weak connectedness represents. To define weak connectedness we need to introduce first the notion of the undirected graph that underlies a directed graph: Consider a directed graph tex2html_wrap_inline70252. The underlying undirected graph is the graph tex2html_wrap_inline71040 where tex2html_wrap_inline71042 represents the set of undirected edges that is obtained by removing the arrowheads from the directed edges in G:


Figure: An weakly connected directed graph and the underlying undirected graph.

Weak connectedness of a directed graph is defined with respect to its underlying, undirected graph:

Definition (Weak Connectedness of a Directed Graph) A directed graph tex2html_wrap_inline70252 is weakly connected   if the underlying undirected graph tex2html_wrap_inline71052 is connected.

For example, since the undirected graph tex2html_wrap_inline71054 in Figure gif is connected, the directed graph tex2html_wrap_inline71030 is weakly connected. Consider what happens when we remove the edge (b,e) from the directed graph tex2html_wrap_inline71030. The underlying undirected graph that we get is tex2html_wrap_inline71004 in Figure gif. Therefore, when we remove edge (b,e) from tex2html_wrap_inline71030, the graph that remains is neither strongly connected nor weakly connected.

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