Cover Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java
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The NaryTree class declares two constructors. Implementations for the two constructors are given in Program gif. The first constructor takes a single argument of type int which specifies the degree of the tree. This constructor creates an empty tree. It does so by setting the key field to null, and by setting the subtree array to null. The running time of this constructor is O(1).

Program: NaryTree constructors.

The second constructor takes two arguments. The first specifies the degree of the tree, and the second is any Object instance. This constructor creates a non-empty tree in which the specified object occupies the root node. According to Definition gif, every internal node in an N-ary tree must have exactly N subtrees. Therefore, this constructor creates and attaches N empty subtrees to the root node. The running time of this constructor is O(N), since N empty subtrees are created and constructed and the constructor for an empty N-ary tree takes O(1) time.

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Bruno Copyright © 1998 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.