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Single-Source Shortest Path

In this section we consider the single-source shortest path problem: Given an edge-weighted graph tex2html_wrap_inline69997 and a vertex tex2html_wrap_inline70859, find the shortest weighted path from tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to every other vertex in tex2html_wrap_inline69999.

Why do we find the shortest path to every other vertex if we are interested only in the shortest path from, say, tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to tex2html_wrap_inline70865? It turns out that in order to find the shortest path from tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to tex2html_wrap_inline70865, it is necessary to find the shortest path from tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to every other vertex in G! If a vertex is ignored, say tex2html_wrap_inline70163, then we will not consider any of the paths from tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to tex2html_wrap_inline70865 that pass through tex2html_wrap_inline70163. But if we fail to consider all the paths from tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to tex2html_wrap_inline70865, we cannot be assured of finding the shortest one.

Furthermore, suppose the shortest path from tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to tex2html_wrap_inline70865 passes through some intermediate node tex2html_wrap_inline70163. That is, the shortest path is of the form tex2html_wrap_inline70919 It must be the case that the portion of P between tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to tex2html_wrap_inline70163 is also the shortest path from tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to tex2html_wrap_inline70163. Suppose it is not. Then there exists another shorter path from tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to tex2html_wrap_inline70163. But then, P would not be the shortest path from tex2html_wrap_inline70863 to tex2html_wrap_inline70865, because we could obtain a shorter one by replacing the portion of P between tex2html_wrap_inline70863 and tex2html_wrap_inline70163 by the shorter path.

Consider the directed graph tex2html_wrap_inline70947 shown in Figure gif. The shortest weighted path between vertices b and f is the path tex2html_wrap_inline70953 which has the weighted path length nine. On the other hand, the shortest unweighted path is from b to f is the path of length three, tex2html_wrap_inline70959.

Figure: Two edge-weighted directed graphs.

As long as all the edge weights are non-negative (as is the case for tex2html_wrap_inline70947), the shortest-path problem is well defined. Unfortunately, things get a little tricky in the presence of negative edge weights.

For example, consider the graph tex2html_wrap_inline70971 shown in Figure gif. Suppose we are looking for the shortest path from d to f. Exactly two edges emanate from vertex d, both with the same edge weight of five. If the graph contained only positive edge weights, there could be no shorter path than the direct path tex2html_wrap_inline70979.

However, in a graph that contains negative weights, a long path gets ``shorter'' when we add edges with negative weights to it. For example, the path tex2html_wrap_inline70981 has a total weighted path length of four, even though the first edge, (d,a), has the weight five.

But negative weights are even more insidious than this: For example, the path tex2html_wrap_inline70985, which also joins vertex d to f, has a weighted path length of two but the path tex2html_wrap_inline70991 has length zero. That is, as the number of edges in the path increases, the weighted path length decreases! The problem in this case is the existence of the cycle tex2html_wrap_inline70993 the weighted path length of which is less than zero. Such a cycle is called a negative cost cycle  .

Clearly, the shortest-path problem is not defined for graphs that contain negative cost cycles. However, negative edges are not intrinsically bad. Solutions to the problem do exist for graphs that contain both positive and negative edge weights, as long as there are no negative cost cycles. Nevertheless, the problem is greatly simplified when all edges carry non-negative weights.

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Bruno Copyright © 1998 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.