
Did you get the condition exactly correct? Check below.

Filling in the Formula

The program so far:

import java.util.Scanner;

// User picks ending value for time, t.
// The program calculates and prints 
// the distance the brick has fallen for each t.
class fallingBrick
  public static void main (String[] args )  
    final  double G = 9.80665;  // constant of gravitational acceleration
    int    t, limit;            // time in seconds; ending value of time
    double distance;            // the distance the brick has fallen
    Scanner scan = new Scanner( );

    System.out.print( "Enter limit value: " );
    limit = scan.nextInt();

    // Print a table heading
    System.out.println( "seconds\tDistance"  );  // '\t' is tab
    System.out.println( "-------\t--------"  ); 

    t  =  0 ;
    while (  t <= limit )    

        // calculate distance

        // output result

      t = t + 1 ;


The loop body will execute for t = 0, 1, 2, ..., limit. At the end of the last execution, t is changed to (limit+1). But the conditional expression will not allow execution back into the loop body when t is (limit+1).

Now let us calculated the distance for each value of t using the formula:

distance = (1/2)*G*t2

Translate the formula into a Java statement to fill the first blank.


Fill in the two blanks. Use a tab character in the output statement. Watch out: there are two traps!