CSCI 2150
Spring 2001 Test 2 -- Answers

The following is the answers to the Spring 2001 CSCI 2150 Test 2. In some cases, where the HTML does not prohibit it, I've elaborated on the process to get to the answers.

  1. Which of the following is an invalid state of an S-R flip-flop?

    Answer: A -- ^S and ^R cannot be zero at the same time. This is like setting and resetting an output at the same time.

  2. True or false: The D flip-flop has no invalid states.

    Answer: True -- This question is probably worded incorrectly. It should probably say, "The D flip-flop with only CLK and D inputs has no invalid states." In this case, there are no states that cause problems with the outputs.

  3. If a D flip-flop has the inputs ^S=1, ^R=0, D=1, & CLK=0, what is the output Q?

    Answer: Q=0 -- The ^R=0 overrides any of the other inputs forcing Q to equal zero.

  4. The D flip-flop circuit below is one of the special applications we studied in class. Even if you don't remember the circuit, you should still be able to draw the output based on the system clock input. Assume flip-flop captures D on the clock's rising edge.

    Answer: The answer is in red in the figure below.

  5. What is the minimum number of D flip-flops you will need to represent the states of a state diagram with 24 states?

    Answer: 5 -- If you number the states, you should come up with a list going from 0 to 23. And what is 23 in binary? 10111. Since it takes 5 bits to represent 23, then five flip-flops are going to be required to remember 24 distinct states. Another way of looking at it is that 1 flip-flop can remember 21=2 states, 2 flip-flops can remember 22=4 states, 3 flip-flops can remember 23=8 states, 4 flip-flops can remember 24=16 states, and 5 flip-flops can remember 25=32 states. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are not enough. Five is the first value that has more than 25 possible states.

  6. Create the next state truth table and the output truth table from the state diagram below. (The diagram is omitted from this answer key. You can see it from the PDF file of the test.) Make sure you label the bits of your states using the state numbers from the diagram.

Next State Table
Current State D Next State
S1 S0 S1' S0'
Output Table
Current State Output
S1 S0

  1. The three Boolean expressions below represent the next state bits (S0' and S1') and the output bit (X) based on the current state (S0 and S1). Draw the logic circuit for the state machine including the flip-flops and output circuitry.

    S0' = (^S0 ^S1) + (S0 S1)
    S1' = ^S0
    X = S0 + ^S1


  2. Connect input A of the XOR gate shown to the right so as to invert input B at the XOR gate's output.

    Answer: Connect A to a logic 1 value.

  3. A connection between a row and a column in a PAL array is made by:

    1. Blowing a fusible link
    2. Leaving a fusible link
    3. Wiring an input variable to the input line
    4. Wiring an input variable to the product term line

    Answer: B

  4. Using the shorthand notation, set the PAL diagram below to represent the boolean expression

    X = (^A B ^C) + (^B ^C) + (A ^B ^C) + C.


  5. For the multiplexer/selector shown to the right, sketch the output waveform Y for the inputs S0 and S1 shown below?


  6. The bit capacity (i.e., the total number of flip-flops) in a RAM with 12 address lines and 8 bits stored at each address is:

    Answer: a.) 32,768 -- The number of flip-flops equals the number of bits of data times the number of address locations. The number of address locations is 2number of address lines. Therefore, the answer is 8 x 212 = 8 x 4096 = 32,768.

  7. Of the bus control lines, the write line goes low when:

    1. Data is passing from memory to processor
    2. The bus is idle
    3. Data is passing from processor to memory
    4. Cannot tell without read line value

    Answer: C

  8. Circle all that apply. A storage cell in a DRAM:

    1. is volatile
    2. is a capacitor
    3. needs to be refreshed regularly
    4. is smaller than a cell in an SRAM

    Answer: a, b, c, and d
  9. Circle all the memory types below that are non-volatile.

    1. SRAM
    2. Flash RAM
    3. Custom-masked ROM
    4. EEPROM
    5. OTPROM
    6. DRAM

    Answer: b, c, d, and e

  10. Circle all the memory types below that can be written to multiple times.

    1. Battery-backed SRAM
    2. Flash RAM
    3. Custom-masked ROM
    4. EEPROM
    5. OTPROM
    6. EPROM

    Answer: a, b, d, and f

  11. True or False: One memory block can have a low address of 340016 and a high address of 3FFF16?

    Answer: False -- 340016 = 0011 0100 0000 00002 and 3FFF16 = 0011 1111 1111 11112. Since the low address has all of its least significant 0's from position 0 to position 9, then positions 10 through 15 must be the same for both addresses. They are not. Position 11 is a 0 in the low address and a 1 in the high address. No chip select can be made for this.

  12. What is the high address IN HEX for a 1K ROM with a low address of 380016?

    Answer: 3BFF16 -- A ROM with an address space of 1K needs 10 address lines. Therefore, the low address must have positions 0 through 9 equal to a zero and the high address must have positions 0 through 9 equal to a one. All other bit positions must remain the same. Therefore, since 380016 = 0011 1000 0000 00002, then switching positions 0 through 9 gives us 0011 1011 1111 1111 = 3BFF16.

  13. Design the chip select (w/logic gates) for a 16K RAM placed in a 1MEG memory space with a low address of 5800016. Label all address lines used for chip select.
