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Library Opcodestan   sinh   cosh   tanh   asinh   acosh   atanh  Commonly-Used ConstantsPI   CPS_MIDDLEC   NONE   MIDI_SCALE   |
IntroductionGood libraries make the process of writing software easier. It also makes the job of maintaining completed programs easier, especially when the maintainer is not the original author. Slib is a SAOL library, distributed with sfront, that provides low-level support utilities to the SAOL programmer. The primary goal of Slib is to replace hard-coded constants and repetitive code fragments with easy-to-understand symbols and opcodes. |
Using SlibThe remaining sections of this chapter describe Slib features. The right panel of each section begins with the include statement that should be placed at the top of a SAOL file that uses the feature.
For example, to use Slib's trigonometric functions
in a program, add:
to the top of the program file. For this method to work, sfront needs to be properly configured to see its library directory, as described on the right panel. |
Sfront Library PathsSfront currently pre-processes SAOL and SASL source files before parsing them, if the platform has gcc available. To do so, use the: sfront -gcc -cpp options. In addition sfront needs to know the absolute path of the sfront/lib directory. This can be done via the command line using the -Is option; for example, for my own setup: sfront -gcc -cpp -Is /opt/sfront/lib Alternatively, you can set the environment variable SFRONT_INCLUDE_PATH to the string /opt/sfront/lib. By default, sfront searches the /usr/lib/sfront directory, which is where the Debian and Redhat package distributions put Slib. See this part of the sfront reference manual for more information about using the pre-processor. |
Trigonometric Opcodes
The SAOL core opcode library includes these
trigonometric functions:
Slib provides additional user-defined opcodes for trigonometry using the same calling conventions, as shown on the right panel. |
#include <Slib/trig.hs> opcode tan(xsig x) Tangent of x. opcode sinh(xsig x) Hyperbolic sine of x. opcode cosh(xsig x) Hyperbolic cosine of x. opcode tanh(xsig x) Hyperbolic tangent of x. opcode asinh(xsig x) Inverse hyperbolic sine of x. opcode acosh(xsig x) Inverse hyperbolic cosine of x. opcode atanh(xsig x) Inverse hyperbolic tangent of x. |
Numeric ConstantsA typical SAOL program has many literal constants. Some of these constants are from classical mathematics, like pi and e, while others are musical constants. Manually entering these constants introduces inaccuracy and error into computations. Slib contains symbol definitions for many constants of this type, which we describe in this section. These symbols may be used just like SAOL variable names in expressions. We show these symbols in related groups on the right panel. |
Symbols for Euler's constant and for Pi are shown on the right panel. |
Math Constants -------------- #include <Slib/std.hs> M_PI and PI Pi (3.141...) M_E e (Euler's constant, 2.71 ...) |
SAOL tempo computations are often done relative to the default tempo value of 60 beats per second. The right panel shows constants related to this value. Use these constants in conjunction with the tempo core opcodes. |
Tempo constants --------------- #include <Slib/std.hs> INIT_TEMPO Initial tempo for MP4-SA (60 beats/second). INIT_INVTEMPO 1/INIT_TEMPO (1/60 seconds/beat) |
Programs often derive a set of secondary execution cycle constants from s_rate and k_rate. The right panel shows symbol definitions for common derived quantities. |
Temporal Constants ------------------ #include <Slib/std.hs> ACYCLE Number of a-passes in an execution cycle [int(s_rate/k_rate)]. ARATE Audio sample rate [s_rate Hz]. ATIME Audio sampling period [1/s_rate seconds]. KRATE Control sampling rate [k_rate Hz]. KTIME Control sampling period [1/k_rate seconds]. SRATE Audio sample rate [s_rate Hz]. STIME Audio sample period [1/s_rate seconds]. |
SAOL supports four pitch representations via a set of 12 conversion opcodes.
Slib provides Middle C and Concert A constants
for these representations, and macros for
creating arbitrary constant values in these
formats. Macros use the same syntax as opcode
calls in expressions, but have no rate semantics
issues. This example shows a legal uses of the
pitch macro in SAOL code:
Pitch Constants and Macros -------------------------- #include <Slib/std.hs> CPS_MIDDLEC CPS_CONCERTA Middle C (261.6256 Hz) and Concert A (440 Hz) in cps notation. MIDI_MIDDLEC MIDI_CONCERTA Middle C (note number 60) and Concert A (note number 69) in MIDI notation. PCH_MIDDLEC PCH_CONCERTA Middle C (8) and Concert A (8.9) in pch notation. OCT_MIDDLEC OCT_CONCERTA Middle C (8) and Concert A (8.75) in oct notation. CPS_SEMITONES(x) MIDI_SEMITONES(x) PCH_SEMITONES(x) OCT_SEMITONES(x) These macros take a parameter, the number of semitones away from Middle C, and compute the cps, MIDI, pch, or oct value. Semitones may be a positive or negative integral value. The constant OCTAVESTEPS, the number of semitones per octave (12), is provided for use with these macros. |
Coding ConstantsMany core opcodes, core wavetables, and SAOL and SASL language elements use special integer constants to specify special behaviors. The most common constant value of this sort is -1, used to code indefinite duration in SAOL and SASL instr statements, indefinite size in wavetable generators, and in many other contexts. This convention can make SAOL programs difficult to read -- in each case, the programmer needs to remember that the constant isn't playing a numeric role in the program, but rather a symbolic one. |
The right panel shows a set of symbol definitions to use instead of integers in these situation. The NONE symbol is defined to replace -1 in programs, to improve readability, much like the NULL constant improves readability in C programs. |
The NONE Constant ----------------- #include <Slib/std.hs> NONE as a value of -1, and should be used in the following contexts: * For the size parameter in wavetable generators, to indicate that the generator should compute the size of the table. * For the duration parameter in SAOL and SASL instr statements, to indicate indefinite duration. * The loops parameter in the oscil and koscil core opcodes. * The nharm parameter in the buzz core opcode and core wavetable generator. |
The fracdelay core opcode has a method parameter, which takes on integral values to code different delay line modes. The right panel shows a set of symbolic constants to use for the method parameter. |
fracdelay() Constants --------------------- #include <Slib/std.hs> aopcode fracdelay(ksig method, xsig p1, xsig p2) This core opcode, which is usually used via a sequence of oparray calls, has different semantics based on the value of the method parameter. Use these symbols for the method parameter: FRAC_INIT (1) Initializes delay line structure. p1 is the length of the delay, in seconds. Returns 0. FRAC_TAP (2) Returns data from the delay line. p1 is the position to read, in seconds. If p1 does not correspond to an integral delay line position, return value is interpolated. FRAC_SET (3) Sets the delay line position p1 to value p2. p1 is truncated to an integral delay line position. Returns 0. FRAC_SUM (4) Sums the value p2 into delay line position p1. p1 is truncated to an integral delay line position. Returns new value of delay line position that is updated. FRAC_SHIFT (5) Shifts delay line by 1. Shifts a zero into the delay line, returns value shifted off the end of the delay line. |
The random core wavetable generator has a dist parameter, which takes on integral values to code different random number distributions. The right panel shows a set of symbolic constants to use for the method parameter. |
random wavetable generator -------------------------- #include <Slib/std.hs> table t(random, size, dist, p1 [,p2]) This core wavetable generator creates a table of length size filled with random numbers. The distribution of the random numbers depends on the integral value of the dist parameter. Use these symbols for the dist parameter: RANDOM_UNIFORM (1) Uniform distribution over [p1, p2]. RANDOM_LINEAR (2) Linearly ramped distribution from p1 to p2. RANDOM_EXPON (3) Poisson distribution, p(x) = p1*exp(-p1*x). RANDOM_GAUSSIAN (4) Gaussian distribution, mean p1 and variance p2 RANDOM_PROCESS (5) Table holds a binary sequence (0.0 and 1.0) that is generated by a Poisson process specified by the formula p(x) = p1*exp(-p1*x) |
The window core wavetable generator has a type parameter, which takes on integral values to code different window shapes. The right panel shows a set of symbolic constants to use for the type parameter. |
window wavetable generator -------------------------- #include <Slib/std.hs> table t(window, size, type [,p]) This core wavetable generator creates a table of length size holding a windowing function. The type of window function created depends on the integral value of the type parameter. The constants in this section are the supported windows. WINDOW_HAMMING (1) Hamming. WINDOW_HANNING (2) Hanning (raise cosine) WINDOW_BARTLETT (3) Bartlett (triangular) WINDOW_GAUSSIAN (4) Gaussian WINDOW_KAISER (5) Kaiser, with parameter p WINDOW_BOXCAR (6) Boxcar |
The SSM LibraryThe MIDI standard names MIDIctrl[128], MIDIbend, and MIDItouch provide raw access to controller, pitch bend, and aftertouch values in MIDI contexts. The SSM library provides access to these standard names at a higher level of abstraction. As shown on the right panel, this library is loaded by including the Slib/ssm.hs file. The SSM library is a set of symbols, such as SSMmodwheel, that use the functional name of MIDI controller channels. These k-rate symbols can be used like MIDI standard names in expressions. Each SSM name has several features:
The SSM Library --------------- See left panel for optional symbols SSM_SMOOTHRATE and SSM_HIGHRES. #include <Slib/ssm.hs> SSMattack Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Attack Uses: MIDIctrl[73] SSMbalance Range: [-1,+1] Name: Stereo Balance Uses: MIDIctrl[8,40] SSMbend Range: [-1,+1] Name: Pitch Bend Wheel Uses: MIDIbend SSMbreath Range: [0,1] Name: Breath Controller Uses: MIDIctrl[2,34] SSMbright Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Brightness Uses: MIDIctrl[74] SSMbutton1 Range: 0/1 Name: G.P Button 1 Uses: MIDIctrl[80] SSMbutton2 Range: 0/1 Name: G.P Button 2 Uses: MIDIctrl[81] SSMbutton3 Range: 0/1 Name: G.P Button 3 Uses: MIDIctrl[82] SSMbutton4 Range: 0/1 Name: G.P Button 4 Uses: MIDIctrl[83] SSMchorus Range: [0,1] Name: Chorus Level Uses: MIDIctrl[93] SSMdataslider Range: [0,1] Name: Data Entry Slider Uses: MIDIctrl[6, 38] SSMdetune Range: [0,1] Name: Detuning Amount Uses: MIDIctrl[94] SSMeffect Range: [0,1] Name: Effects Level Uses: MIDIctrl[91] SSMeffect1 Range: [0,1] Name: Effect Control 1 Uses: MIDIctrl[12,44] SSMeffect2 Range: [0,1] Name: Effect Control 2 Uses: MIDIctrl[13,45] SSMexpress Range: [0,1] Name: Expression Uses: MIDIctrl[11,43] SSMfoot Range: [0,1] Name: Foot Controller Uses: MIDIctrl[2, 34] SSMhold Range: 0/1 Name: Hold Pedal Uses: MIDIctrl[64] SSMhold2 Range: 0/1 Name: Hold 2 Pedal Uses: MIDIctrl[69] SSMlegato Range: 0/1 Name: Legato Pedal Uses: MIDIctrl[68] SSMlocal Range: 0/1 Name: Local Kbd Off/On Uses: MIDIctrl[122] SSMmodwheel Range: [0,1] Name: Modulation Wheel Uses: MIDIctrl[1, 33] SSMpan Range: [-1,+1] Name: Stereo Panning Uses: MIDIctrl[10,42] SSMphasor Range: [0,1] Name: Phasor Level Uses: MIDIctrl[95] SSMporta Range: 0/1 Name: Portamento On/Off Uses: MIDIctrl[65] SSMportatime Range: [0,1] Name: Portamento Time Uses: MIDIctrl[5, 36] SSMrelease Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Release Uses: MIDIctrl[72] SSMslider1 Range: [0,1] Name: G. P. Slider 1 Uses: MIDIctrl[16] SSMslider2 Range: [0,1] Name: G. P. Slider 2 Uses: MIDIctrl[17] SSMslider3 Range: [0,1] Name: G. P. Slider 3 Uses: MIDIctrl[18] SSMslider4 Range: [0,1] Name: G. P. Slider 4 Uses: MIDIctrl[19] SSMsoft Range: 0/1 Name: Soft Pedal Uses: MIDIctrl[67] SSMsound6 Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Control 6 Uses: MIDIctrl[75] SSMsound7 Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Control 7 Uses: MIDIctrl[76] SSMsound8 Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Control 8 Uses: MIDIctrl[77] SSMsound9 Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Control 9 Uses: MIDIctrl[78] SSMsound10 Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Control 10 Uses: MIDIctrl[79] SSMsust Range: 0/1 Name: Sustenuto Pedal Uses: MIDIctrl[66] SSMtimbre Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Timbre Uses: MIDIctrl[71] SSMtouch Range: [0,1] Name: Aftertouch Uses: MIDItouch SSMtremelo Range: [0,1] Name: Tremelo Level Uses: MIDIctrl[92] SSMvar Range: [0,1] Name: Sound Variation Uses: MIDIctrl[70] SSMvolume Range: [0,1] Name: Channel Volume Uses: MIDIctrl[7, 39] Note that decoder support is needed to handle Registered and Non-Registered Parameters, since these are event-based. So, no definitions for Data Entry Button +/- and Parameter Number controllers appear above. Data Entry Slider is included, since its possible to use these values in a non-event-based way. |
MIDI ConstantsThe SSM library may not be appropriate for all MIDI applications. The right panel shows a set of constants for scaling MIDI data at a lower level of abstraction. |
MIDI number scaling ------------------- #include <Slib/std.hs> The constants in this section are for computing on the (7-bit) velocity and note-number values, and for creating alternatives to the SSM library. MIDI_MAX Largest value for 7-bit MIDI numbers. (127) MIDI_SCALE To scale 7-bit MIDI into [0, 1]. (1/127) MIDI_NULL The zero value for bipolar 7-bit MIDI. (64) MIDI_SSCALE Use with MIDI_NULL for [-1, 1] scaling. (1/64) MIDI_BIGMAX Largest value for 14-bit MIDI numbers, used by MIDIbend, and coded by two MIDIctrl[] entries by some controllers. (16383) MIDI_BIGSCALE To scale 14-bit MIDI into [0, 1] (1/16383). MIDI_BIGNULL The zero value for bipolar 14-bit MIDI. (8192) MIDI_BIGSSCALE Use with MIDI_BIGNULL for [-1, 1] scaling. (1/8192) MIDI_MSBSHIFT Multiply MSB's of MIDIctrl[] by this value, and add to LSB to get 14-bit MIDI. (128). MIDI_OFF For binary 7-bit MIDIctrl[] entries. Values greater than MIDI_OFF are 1, else 0. (63) |
General MIDI PresetsThe General MIDI specification assigns preset numbers to particular types of instrument timbres. It also defines a percussion map. The gmidi.hs library contains symbolic definitions for these presets. Several sample definitions are shown on the right panel; see the library file for the complete list. |
General MIDI presets -------------------- #include <Slib/gmidi.hs> Sample presets: Defined name # Description GM_ACOUSTICGRAND 0 Acoustic Grand GM_BRIGHTACOUSTIC 1 Brite Acoustic GM_ELECTRICGRAND 2 Electr. Grand [...] GM_APPLAUSE 126 Applause GM_GUNSHOT 127 Gunshot Sample note numbers: Definition # Description GMD_ACOUSTICBASSDRUM 35 Ac Bass Drum GMD_BASSDRUM1 36 Bass Drum 1 GMD_SIDESTICK 37 Side Stick [...] GMD_MUTETRIANGLE 80 Mute Triangle GMD_OPENTRIANGLE 81 Open Triangle |
SummaryPart V/2 completes the main text of the MPEG 4 Structured Audio Book. We conclude the text with the Appendix, that includes a keyword index. Appendix A: Aspects of MP4-SA Not Covered In this Book |
mp4-sa-> the mp4-sa book-> special topics->slib |