Subject: Re: Workgroup status (II)
From: Kevin Cameron x3251 (
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 16:30:40 PST
Sri wrote:
>1. Does this mean that "Discipline Resolution" has been resolved
>or it is not being addressed in the next version? There were lots
>of discussions, and we have some idea (which we can submit as
>a proposal), which we could discuss on.
If you send me your proposal I'll upload it for comments.
I put up a short proposal on the web-site -
- I havn't seen any feedback yet.
We've had this battle before and it wasted a lot of time, so my proposal is to let the users do it either way. Personally I think Ian/Antrim's approach is more "correct", but Cadence's approach is more "user friendly" in some design methodologies.
A related issue is "Discipline Compatibility" -
- which someone might like to roll into a bigger proposal.
-- National Semiconductor 2900 Semiconductor Drive, Mail Stop D3-677, Santa Clara, CA 95052-8090
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