Subject: Workgroups
From: Ian Wilson (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 13:52:59 PDT
OK - Winter's over, Spring is here, time to get moving.
There was consensus on starting three work groups (initially):
1. Mixed signal initialization + simulation cycle, including
alignment with VHDL-AMS. Peter, Dan, Martin.
2. Cross domain semantics + synchronization. Ian, Martin, Graham.
3. Analog event scheduling + semantics. Sri, Graham, Peter.
In addition, Kevin & Steve have argued persuasively that there needs
to be a backannotation proposal in the works.
Reminder: the objective here is to clarify and remove ambiguities that
are likely to produce non-portable Verilog-AMS models.
I would like someone from each of the groups to let me know [if] they
are alive so we can make some measurable progress. Once we see where
the groups are, I will schedule a regular conference call or face-to-face
Thank you
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