Re: Discipline Resolution for Analog/Digital Primitives

Subject: Re: Discipline Resolution for Analog/Digital Primitives
From: Jonathan Sanders (
Date: Tue May 08 2001 - 22:57:38 PDT


Still absorbing this proposal but one thing I did not see that needs to be
covered.  Digital primitives if we are to add them back into the LRM must
have port names defined for them.  This is also true for analog primitives
and part of the reason for the SPICE annex although even in a generic
sense SPICE primitives should have names.   Anyway back when digital
primitives were supported (for parasitic backannotation) there was a naming
mechanism provided in the LRM for them and I am providing it below for
inclusion if digital primitives are coming back.

Port Names for Verilog Built-in Primitives
In the cases of instances of modules and instances of UDPs port names are well defined.
In these cases the port name is the name of the signal at the lower connection of the port.
in the case of built in primitives, however, Verilog-D does not define port names. It is,
thus necessary to define port names for the ports of built in primitives in Verilog-AMS.
The following conventions will be used for naming Verilog Ports.
1. For N-input gates (and, nand, nor, or, xnor, xor) the output will be named out, and the
inputs reading from left to right will be in1, in2, in3, etc.
2. For N-output gates (buf, not) The input will be named in, and the outputs reading
from left to right will be named out1, out2, out3, etc.
3. For 3 port MOS switches (nmos, pmos, rnmos, rpmos) the ports reading from left to
right will be named source, drain, gate.
4. For 4 port MOS switches (cmos, rcmos) the ports reading from left to right will be
named source, drain, ngate, pgate.
5. For bidirectional pass switches (tran, tranif1, tranif0, rtran, rtranif1, rtranif) the ports
reading from left to right will be named source, drain, gate.
6. For single port primitives (pullup, pulldown) the port will be named out.

One reason for port names is for the unique name given each connect module. In
the detail mode the port name is used.

At 06:48 PM 5/8/2001, Srikanth Chandrasekaran wrote:
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I thought I had sent this mail last week, but realized that i hadnt
when i saw the mail from your end...


Hi all,

I have been working with Graham on resolving the Discipline resolution
algorithm to address the issue when Analog & Digitial primitives
are instantiated in the Verilog-AMS model. The current resolution
algorithms do not handle these primitive ports.

I am also working on the timer/cross events issue with regards to
the scheduling mechanism of these events, so that there is uniformity
in calculating the dynamic expressions in these events. The proposal
gets rid of some of the ambiguity that currently exists in the
scheduling mechanism. I will post that one some time during next

This mail includes the Problem, Analysis, and a Proposal for
the discipline resolution (which addresses the problem of primitives).
After discussions, we can probably reword the proposal in a more
formal manner to fit in to the LRM.

Thanks and Regards,

DR                -- Discipline Resolution
digital primitive -- gate/switch -level Verilog and user-defined
analog primitive  -- spice device

The DR mechanism (defined in section 8.4 [LRM]) defines two alternative
methods to resolve  nets with unspecified disciplines based on it
instance interconnections. This DR mechanism relies on knowing the port
discipline of each port connection that the net is connected to.
Therefore Verilog-AMS/Verilog/Verilog-A module instantiations can be
handled, however digital and analog primitive instantiations do not have
a discipline associated with its ports.

The following proposal defines a method to allow the DR mechanism to
process the entire module hierarchy (including primitive instantiations)
in order to resolve a net without a specified discipline.

An argument can be put forward that analog primitive ports always use
"electrical" discipline and similarly digital primitive ports always use
"logic" discipline. This argument exploits only the second
characteristic of primitives defined below:

  - Primitives define generic behaviour only (primitive instantiations
    overrides then customises it for a particular use or technology
    (in particular digital primitives, less so for analog primitives).

  - Primitive behaviour is generally restricted to a single technology
    or discipline. (Digital primitives do not model mixed technology
    behaviour internally. Analog primitives are primarily defined for
    electrical circuits, but some are generic across other disciplines.

This argument works for digital primitives for now, because a digital
primitive is compatible with any other digital primitive. If in the
future, technology based disciplines are defined, then this argument
breaks down. Also, if analog primitives are restricted to electrical
models only, the argument works. But this constraint goes against the
goals of the Verilog-AMS LRM. Specifically:

  1. The symmetry of digital primitive usage scope in the Verilog
     language subset is different to the analog primitive usage scope
     in the Verilog-A subset. Another inconsistency a Verilog-AMS
     modeler has to be aware of.

  2. To re-iterate the above point further, the Verilog-A language
     subset is multi-disciplinary language (see section 1 [LRM]), this
     argument restricts language capability and limits the generic
     spice device behaviour that already exists.

  3. If analog primitives are made to be generic across all disciplines
     then the electrical discipline must be compatible with all other
     continuous disciplines. This undermines the net/discipline
     compatiblity rules in section 3.8 [LRM].

Based on the above a more general solution can be adopted that avoids
the above negative aspects and exploits both characteristic of
primitives. ie Primitive ports have no inherent discipline, but it has a
inherent domain. For example, analog primitives is defined to have
analog ports, while digital primitives are defined to have digital
During DR processing an analog port is compatible with any continuous
primitive discipline, while a digital primitive port is compatible with
any discrete discipline. During post-DR processing, all the connecting
nets of a primitive instantiation can be checked for compatiblity with
each other.

The DR mechanism can be easily updated to handle this more general
solution with little conceptual change to the Verilog-AMS language and
minimal pyshical change to the [LRM].

First, allow the Verilog-AMS modeler to specify the disciplines that a
particular primitive instantiation will use through the modified DR
rule statement.

The discipline_list (disciplines left of the 'resolveto' keyword) refer
to the disciplines of the ports that connect to the net. To handle
analog and digital primitive ports, two additional keywords are added to
represent primitive ports they are:

    - 'analog' keyword, for analog primitives. this keyword is
compatible with any continuous discipline in a discipline resolution
rule's discipline list.
    - 'digital' keyword, for digital primitives. this keyword is
compatible with any discrete discipline in a discipline resolution
rule's discipline list.

When resolving an unspecified net's discipline and a digital primitive
port connection is detected, it will be matched with any 'digital'
keyword within the discipline resolution rules being processed.
Likewise, when an analog primitive port connection is detected, it will
be matched with any 'analog' keyword in the discipline resolution rules
being processed.

The second modification to the [LRM] is with respect to implied
"self-resolution" rules in the discipline resolution rules. A
"self-resolution" rule is interpreted to be when a one or more identical
disciplines is always resolved to itself. for example:

     connect electrical resolveto electrical;
     connect logic resolveto logic;

Similar for all other continuous and disciplines defined in a
Verilog-AMS model. However 'analog' and 'digital' cannot be automatic
self resolved without additional external information. In example below,
implicit nets 'n1' and 'n2' cannot be resolved without primitive self
resolution rules.

     module x;
       nand inst_1(n1, ...);
       and inst_2(..., n1, ...);  
       resistor #(...) inst_3(..., n2);
       resistor #(...) inst_4(n2, ...);

To avoid such behaviour the following self-resolution rules will need to
be defined within  'connectrules' blocks in the Verilog-AMS model.

       connect analog resolveto electrical;
       connect digital resovleto ttl;

This allows Verilog-AMS modeler to specify the discipline of the analog
and primitive ports.

Below: is the modified syntax for discipline resolution rule. (Note:
text in upper case represents lowercase Verilog-AMS keywords).

  connect_resolution ::=
    CONNECT discipline_list RESOLVETO discipline_identifier ;
  discipline_list ::=
    | ANALOG
    | discipline_list, discipline_identifier

LRM -- Verilog-AMS LRM version 2.0 (18 Feb 2000)

Thanks and Regards,
Graham & Sri
Srikanth Chandrasekaran
EDA Solutions and Products SBU
Phone: +61-8-8168 3592 Fax: x3501

Jonathan L. Sanders                  
Product Engineering Director
Mixed Signal and Physical Verification Solutions
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.     
555 River Oaks Pkwy
San Jose, CA. 95134    Tel: (408) 428-5654      Fax : (408) 944-7265

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