Re: VerilogAMS Committee Meeting Minutes - 15 December 2003

Subject: Re: VerilogAMS Committee Meeting Minutes - 15 December 2003
From: Geoffrey.Coram (
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 11:56:04 PST

Martin O'Leary wrote:

[Re: NMOS and PMOS as strings ...]
> SV supports enums - is this a better way to do it rather than strings?

I'm having my first glance through the SV 3.1 ballot draft 6.
I see enums as variables, but not as parameters. Can they
be parameters? If so, then it looks like this would work,
since it allows us to restrict the valid values to the
enumerated ones, and detect which was specified. I guess
it would look like this in the module:

  parameter enum {NMOS, PMOS} type;

What happens in a netlist, specifically whether the value needs
to be quoted to prevent confusion with a netlist variable named
NMOS, I guess is a simulator implementation detail.

> Sri or Geoffrey,
> Can one of you define precisely what is meant by the term "visible" and "hidden"?
> Does this means OOMRs are not supported? What features of Verilog(-AMS) are not supported for "hidden" variables?
> Does it only mean that operating point parameters are not printed by a compliant simulator?

For the purposes of the compact modeling extensions, the "visible"
variables are meant to be those that would be printed as operating
point parameters by a compliant simulator; many such simulators
also allow plotting of these variables as a function of the sweep
(eg, GM as a function of VGS). In Spectre, "save M1:all" if M1 is
a Verilog-A module, results in an output file that contains
datapoints for all the module-level variables.

I do not mean to restrict any features or OOMRs. If you have a
better term, I would welcome it.


Geoffrey J. Coram, Ph.D.    Senior CAD Engineer     
Analog Devices, Inc. 
804 Woburn St., MS-422,     Tel (781) 937-1924
Wilmington, MA 01887        Fax (781) 937-1014

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